Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Love Story That Started 74 Years Ago ~Happy Anniversary to my Parents in their Heavenly Home ~Here’s How they Celebrated their Special Day

 Today my parents are celebrating their
Wedding Anniversary in their Heavenly Home.
They were married 74 years ago,
after my dad came home from WWII.

He was a man of few words, however he wrote to her
frequently during the four years that he was gone.

I have those letters, tied with a ribbon
in my mom’s Hope Chest in
one of the bedrooms downstairs.
Along with this book of wedding mementos...

...such as this Newspaper Clipping
and handwritten story of their engagement.

You can see in their Wedding Photo that a bride of that time
often wore a nice suit instead of a long white gown.
It was practical, as they could wear it
for special events over and over again.

Plus those women grew up during the Depression
and were accustomed to making do with very little.

Also in that book of memories, is this photo of their first home,
this majestic old farmhouse. They lived here from that June day
until we moved during the Winter of 1970.

For their anniversary celebration, I picture my mother
spent the afternoon getting ready by setting her hair with rollers,
and sitting under the dryer while polishing her nails.
She would get dressed with her nylon stockings,
pencil skirt and jacket. Of course she wore heels.
My dad came in from working in the field.
He cleaned up and put on a suit and tie.

They would drive the 20 miles into Devils Lake to go to a nice restaurant.
My Dad would order the Ribs.
It would come with a finger bowl on the side.
If the band played Alley Cat, he would ask my mom to dance
and they would two-step around the dance floor.

One of the Bye girls would come to babysit me,
And when I got up the next morning,
I had the treat of eating a package of those fancy crackers
and playing with the little plastic sword that came in my mom’s beverage.

Sweet Memories.

Take care,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the memories❤

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