Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mothers Day to all Who Nurture and Care for Others ~Along with Greetings to Two Special Young Women

It has been an honor and privilege to have been chosen to be Mother
to these two Women who are Kind and Caring, Smart and Funny,
and the Best Daughters one could ever hope for.

The goal of parenting is to launch your children into the world…

I guess we accomplished our job, as we have watched them thrive
in communities far from home. 

This Gigi looks forward to meeting a new grand baby
in Georgia later this summer.

She will join her cousins that live in Massachusetts.
And that photo, by the tree…
It’s one of our family traditions.

You’ve seen this photo before.
On Mothers Day, we always posed for a photo
under the “pink tree” in our back yard.

So Amy and her boys did just that very thing!

Sometimes we drove up north to visit Grammy
on our  family farm for Mothers Day.

Here we are…visiting her in the parlor.

And then this… our last Mothers Day visit.

Another family tradition is that Hubby’s sister prepares our Mothers Day meal.
We’d often drop our daughters off when they were young,
to help in the kitchen and with setting the table.
We continued that tradition with our Foreign Exchange Daughters…
This is Line from Norway.

And a few years later, Nellie from Denmark.

This is the year, Norway met Denmark…
She came back to the states for a visit and they both
spent time with Grandma.

My first year as a Gigi.
I was able to spend time with Daughter and Grandson Number One.
“Cheers” to a Happy Mothers Day.

His Mama had been up early to make an Oven Baked Oatmeal
and Cheesy Scrambled Eggs for Brunch.

He’s the one that named me “Gigi” two years later.

Sending Warm Wishes to all who Care for
and Nurture Children.

Happy Mothers Day.

Take Care,

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