Saturday, April 22, 2023

Earth Day 2023 “Invest in our Planet” ~Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ~Attention Teachers and Activity Directors ~Who Needs Magazines or Water Jugs?

April 22nd is Earth Day.
The first Earth Day was in 1970.

This year’s theme is “Invest in our Planet”.
Every year, on this date, more that a billion people celebrate our Earth,
 and remember the importance of protecting our environment.

Even these little habits will help.
Last year, I purchased Wool Dryer Balls, a Natural Fabric Softener.
They are reusable and shorten drying time by 25%, which reduces your
Appliance Usage and saves on your Electric Bill.

I bring my own shopping bags to the supermarket.
They ride in the front seat so I remember to actually
 take them into the store.

Then there’s this…The Landfill.
Every year in the United States 150 million tons of waste goes to the landfill.
That’s 2.5 pounds of trash per person, per day.

That makes me sick.

I work hard to reuse, recycle, and re-home
items that are no longer in use.

Who can use empty water jugs, For FREE.
Perhaps for storing water? Or for a craft project?
There are lots of clever ideas online.

You could go crazy and create a reading igloo
for your young students.

I also need to find a home for magazines,
many, many magazines.

Elementary students can identify colors, animals, favorite foods, 
cut out words and numbers, and find letters to create words.

Older students can find photos and phrases to
create a personality collage, or design a Vision Board.

Teachers and Activity Directors:
Contact me to replenish your stash of Magazines.
I don’t want these to end up in that Landfill.

Tins and Treasures
My creations are made made of upcycled materials.
The Tins, for which my Shop is named,
are recycled food cans.

These pumpkins are created with sweater sleeves.

Vintage Wool is used for these Hand Warmers.

An old Chenille bedspread, a wool skirt, a cotton sweater,
and the cuff of a sock went together for this snowman.

Invest in our Planet…


Take care,

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