Thursday, August 10, 2023

Crafting ADD ~My Report ~What’cha Working on Wednesday ~Finishing Touches in the Sewing Studio ~What’s Happening in the Wood Shop

You may remember my last post about Crafting ADD?
This is a report on how it’s going.

Those Spooky Black Cats have been assembled and embellished
with wire whiskers and torn homespun bow ties.

All set…ready for the Handmade Market.

These little black cats have whiskers now, too.
They are in the arms of a cute little witch,
and are also ready for Market.

I had ordered the brooms, one for each witch.
The pkg took over three weeks to get here.
I’m guessing they came from the
other side of the ocean.

I think it was well worth the wait.

I enjoyed creating these Mummies.
Hubby cut them of wood,
and painted them out in woodshop.

Here they are, wrapped and ready for Spookin’

Some adorned in Stained Muslin,
some in Gauze.
Vintage Button Eyes peer out
between the strips.

Another big finish, the hats for these Witches.
You might remember when I spent all that time
shopping for little hats, with no luck?

So I came home and created them in the studio.

She wears it proudly.

Hubby loves spending time out in his Wood Shop.
He promptly fills my request for wooden
cats, ghosts, pumpkins, and turkeys.

However, his favorite is the lathe.
Here’s just a few of the Trees he has created
for the upcoming Market.

Stay tuned for details on this Vendor Fair.
Plus, there’s another batch of creations on the work table. 

Take care,

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