Monday, August 14, 2023

Where the Weekend Went ~Pickin’ on the Prairie ~Here’s my Report

It was a beautiful Saturday Morning.
These Retired Empty Nesters took an impromptu Road Trip
to attend the annual Pickin’ on the Prairie.

Google Maps usually recommends the shortest route.

We parked the pickup in the designated pasture,
 paid the admission fee, which included a donation to our local 
SPURS Therapeutic Riding Center.

There were 100 booths featuring Handmade items,
Vintage items, Flea Market stuff,
Farmers Market Produce, Food and Beverages.

This was perhaps the most impressive piece.
Artist Ron Walker welds a variety of scrap metal pieces
to create stunning works such as this.
They actually took measurements of their own Mustang Horse
for this creation, to make sure it was in perfect scale.

I stopped to visit with my friend, Meredith.
You maybe recognize her from other local Arts Festivals.

Here’s her display of work. She and I both enjoy the challenge
of creating “Something out of Nothing”…
Up-cycling old materials, re-purposing discarded items.

The following photos are copied from the Pickin’ on the Prairie Facebook site.
Photo credits go to those artists.
Here’s another use for someone else’s junk.

Handmade Pottery…
Who doesn’t love a new coffee mug?

I have a pan like this…it was my mother’s.

Fresh Garden Produce…
We were in the mood for some Sweet Corn.

It won’t be long before we bring out our Autumn Decor.
The Area Mercantile has luxurious Pumpkins
to add to your Pumpkin Patch.

This sign at the gate was perfect.
“Grandma Hoarded It”
Yes, she did. My Mother grew up during the depression.
She shared a bedroom with her two sisters.
They slept together, three in the bed.
They shared a dresser, each sister had just one drawer.
All of her possessions fit into just one drawer.
Naturally, she saved everything.

And now, I am blessed with all those “treasures”…
looking for a new forever home.

Take care,

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