Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Hello August ~First Day of School ~Crafting ADD ~What’s on the Work Table

Bright and Early this Morning,
in my messages, this photo appeared.
These two were headed to their first day
in their new schools.

It seems like just last week when this was my profile picture.
Where did the time go?

I look forward to hearing about their first day.

And speaking of memories, this is where I usually
 spent the first day of August…my first day at school.
I always had two, sometimes three classrooms,
to prepare for the school year.

Often those multiple rooms were in different buildings.
Yeah, I started getting curriculum and materials ready early.

But this August is the start of my 7th year of retirement,
spending my time with House Chores and Projects.

Today, our table is covered with Craft Projects…
 including quite a variety of creations.

What triggers this Crafting ADD?
Last week Hubby and I submitted an Application
for a booth at a local Vendor Fair in October.

We’re going to need items for Autumn, Halloween,
Thanksgiving, Winter, and Christmas.

Hubby and I collaborate on creations of wood and fabrics.

Cutting, Sanding, Painting, Sanding again, Staining,
and finally Embellishing.

Projects are transported back and forth on my
Vintage Baking Sheets.

Many projects are in the works, as there is time needed for drying…
Paint, Stain, and Glue.

These kitties are patiently waiting for whiskers.

Just when I finished a project and cleared a spot on the table,
This came in from the wood shop 

Stay tuned… I’ll keep you posted
as we make finishing touches on our creations.

Take care,

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