Thursday, August 17, 2023

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~My Report ~What‘s on the Sewing Studio Worktable ~And In the Wood Shop

Neighborhood Watch
From her perch on the back our our couch,
Lizzie has a good view of our backyard,
 along with the yards of three of our neighbors.

And what is she watching?
Scroll down for the rest of that story.

Since our Watch Cat has that under control,
here’s what I’m working on this week.
Buttons ready for gluing…

Waiting for paint to dry…

Stitching business card holders…

Staining the fabrics…

Cutting the Calicos…

Making finishing touches…

When Hubby is on the Golf Course,
I occasionally take over his Wood Shop, sometimes using the belt sander,
and tonight painting Tins on his workbench.

Hubby took on another big job,
He cleaned out his mother’s garden plot.
For the first time in her 94 year old life, she is not growing a garden.
Therefore, the weeds have taken over.

It was back breaking work, taking down weeds taller than Great Grandma,
And filling six large lawn and leaf bags.

When he was not golfing or doing yardwork,
Hubby constructed new display stands for our Booth.

We hope to hear soon, if we have been accepted
to participate in the Handmade Market.

Lizzie also patiently waits and watches.

Earlier in the evening, she spotted this little intruder.
She..must..protect..her territory..

It’s exhausting.

Take care,

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