Saturday, September 16, 2023

Where the Week Went ~Much Miscellaneous ~A Finish in the Studio ~Helper Cat gets a Checkup ~Garden Harvest ~Good Friends are Priceless

These Autumn Creatures are now finished
and ready for their forever home. 

Good timing, as we received confirmation that we will
have a booth at the Handmade Market Vendor Fair.
So, put this on your calendar!

Lizzie was overdue for her checkup at the Clinic.

She was examined, had a pedicure, got two shots, before
we had a tour of the newly remodeled space.

However, there are no answers for her respiratory concerns…
she has a choking cough, she snorts, and she sneezes.

We came home from the clinic with a basket of tomatoes.
One of the Vet Techs has an abundant garden,
with plenty of produce to share.

There’s nothing like homegrown tomatoes
when making Spaghetti Sauce.

Hubby and I teamed up today get the job done quickly…

…Blanching first, for easy peeling.
We simmered the five gallons of tomatoes
with onion, peppers, celery, and garlic for four hours.

On the second day, I blended the tomato sauce until smooth,

before adding Ground Beef, Italian Sausage, Mushrooms,
fresh Oregano and Basil, along with a variety of Seasonings.
We then simmered it for another four hours.

It sounds like a lot of work, however we froze
eighteen bags of Sauce for meals this coming winter.

I enjoyed visits with two good friends this week.
Debra was home to visit her mother for the second time this summer.
…And she usually makes a little time for me, too. 

I didn’t get a photo with Ann,
 as I was distracted by her adorable cats.

A little gift from each of them.
How sweet was that?!

A thoughtful note with a Tiny Little Ladybug
(which by the way, is my favorite bug).
A hand quilted cushion, filled with crushed Walnut Shells,
will keep my needles sharp.
Perfect hand embroidery and dried lavender,
grown in Debra’s yard.

It’s the Little Things that Make Me Smile.

And the Little Ladybug will bring
good health and happiness.

Take care,

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