Sunday, September 10, 2023

College Game Day ~Here’s my Report

For the second weekend in a row, we enjoyed
seeing our favorite college football team in person.

We’ve been doing that for years…I mean, decades.
Do you think we have we aged?

It was an impromptu road trip.
Good friends offered their seats, as they had other plans.
And we’ve never passed up that opportunity.

It’s an easy trip, and I’m fortunate
that Hubby prefers to drive.

As I prefer to ride shotgun, so I can work on my projects.
These are a couple of smaller details needed
to finish my Thanksgiving Turkeys.

We had to stop at Scheels when we got to town,
just to see What’s New.
Thundar, created with Legos,
is ready for Big Game in the Dome.

Equally impressive in the newly remodeled Scheels,
is The Candy Factory, featuring these Candied Apples.
Which one would you like?
They’re almost too pretty to to eat.

After chatting with friends in the Tailgating Lot,
we made our way inside to the “best seats in the house”!

It had been two years since we had been to a game.

Remember last year, I was sporting a Neck Brace
along with my Bison Spirit Wear and watching
 from home in the ManCave.

We stood in line with 17,000+ fans,
And it was worth our wait.

Photo courtesy of NDSU Facebook page.

Take care,

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