Thursday, November 21, 2024

Countdown to Winterfest ~Workin’ on Wednesday Report ~Some Big Finishes

Countdown to Winterfest = 2 days
It’s time to “Git ‘Er Done”

Santas are ready to go…
With a little blush on their cheeks
and their waist cinched in with a belt.

Another set of Santas complete with buttons on their suits
and jingle bells on their hats.

Gingerbread Men complete with vintage ric rac and vintage buttons,
thanks to my mother’s sewing stash and button tin.

Gracie is proud of our work.

Hubby and I have been working on a forest of trees…
Out in his Woodshop, and in my Sewing Studio.
I’m still waiting on some creative inspiration to finish my trees.
Stay tuned to see what happens.

Vintage Wool Teddy Bear is sporting a new Homespun Scarf.

Our best sellers are Hubby’s trees.
He has probably 150 in his inventory to choose from.
Sometimes he takes a break from Tree Turning
to create something unique…

…and quite fabulous.

This hand turned piece could be a part of any centerpiece,
filled with Pinecones for Thanksgiving,
Decorative Bulbs for Christmas,
and Colorful Eggs for Easter.

It is created of Mesquite, so sturdy and heavy,
 with a beautiful grain.

It’s a one of a kind.

Mark your calendars for Winterfest this weekend.
There are many talented artists, tasty food, and holiday music.
You won’t be disappointed.

Take care,

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