Saturday, November 23, 2024

Winterfest 2024 ~Ready…Set…Action ~Today 10am to 5pm ~Tomorrow 10am to 4pm ~See you There

There’s a festive mood in the Aberdeen Civic Arena.
Forty Vendors worked like Santa’s Elves to set up booths
with their Creative Wares.

Of course, I always have one project that I am finishing the night before…
These trees are created with Vintage Wool, Flannel, and Shirting.
The pedestals are hand turned by Hubby in his Wood Shop.
Yes, my projects are created with upcycled fabrics.

They fit in nicely with the
turkeys, snowmen, owls, and Santas.

Speaking of Trees, Hubby has spent hours
at his lathe, hand turning new trees in a variety of
 specialty woods, shapes, sizes, and colors.

There’s my Tins on the top shelf, for which my shop is named.
Tuck a little surprise inside for gift giving.

More gift ideas here…
Bowls, Candle Holders, Vases, and Wine Bottle Necklaces.
There’s something for everyone!

Handmade Ornaments adorn our Christmas Tree.

Winterfest will get you in the Holiday Spirit with
Good Food, Live Music, and Great Gifts.

Stop by and say Hello.
The event is Free.

Take care,

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