Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday's Tip of the Day ~ Eat Eggs, They're Practically the Perfect Protein

Did you know that eggs are nearly the perfect protein?
Our nutrition textbook recommends eating up to 4 each week.
Our school resource officer (and friend of mine) used to manage a restaurant.
He likes to visit my Fitness for Life class and teach the students how to make omelets...just like they do at Perkins.
It is important to prepare all equipment and ingredients...so enlist some help in chopping.
Then, beat 2 eggs with a tsp. water and pour onto hot griddle.
Use your spatula to create an 'egg rectangle'.
Be gentle.
Allow to set for just a bit.
Add the cheese next...so it can start to melt.
Then add additional ingredients...
We used cheese, ham, onions, peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes.
Your imagination is your only limit.
Fold your omelet into thirds.
Cook a little longer on both sides, until it is a golden brown.
That's dinner in less than 15 minutes...
Nutritious...delicious...and economical...

Take care,

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Mania ~ Cyber Shopping

Visit my Tins and Treasures Etsy Shop to see our newest listings.
These were the best selling items at our local arts festival...
and only a few remain.

Thanks for stopping by.
Take care,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Beautiful Bella

Amy's precious Bella has not been well.
She doesn't want to eat or drink.
She continues to loose weight.

Please, send positive thoughts our way.
We are hoping the vet can determine what's wrong,
and Bella will soon be back to her old sweet self.
Take care,

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shop Till You Drop ~ Black Friday Events

Are you shopped out?
Our most popular item at Winterfest was the Wine Bottle Necklace.
If you are interested in looking at one for a holiday gift,
If you do not have an Etsy account and would like to purchase from me directly,
just leave a comment, or send me an email.

Were you out early yesterday?
Some stores opened at 3 am.
Well, Walmart is open 24/7...so some folks just didn't go to bed!
We left the house at 7 am and still got some awesome deals.

The guys met us for lunch.
We needed nourishment.

I can't show you what we all bought, cause that would spoil the surprise...
...but we certainly had a lot of fun.

Happy Shopping!
Take care,

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What'cha Working on Wednesday?

Thanksgiving Preparations:
The menu...
The recipes...
The grocery list...

I hope all of your Holiday plans are falling into place...
...and that your weather cooperates for safe travels for you and your family.

Take care,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday's Tip of the Day~Read Nutrition Labels

My Fitness for Life classes made their Apple Crisps this week.

We use this opportunity to compare
Regular ice cream with Light ice cream.
Regular = 7 gm. fat
Light = 3 gm. fat

However, the Light ice cream has more sodium and more sugar...
perhaps for more flavor.

Some students liked the light better than the regular.

I say...all foods can be a part of your diet, if eaten in moderation.
Be sure to look at your labels and are aware of what you are eating.

The holidays are filled with the most tasty dishes...
And remember...
Moderation is the Key!

Take care,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Returning to the Nest

Our oldest daughter, Amy, is in her third year of PA school.
It is their rotation year.
She and Bella have moved in here...
...and we are super-excited to have her home.
She will be serving 4 weeks here, with one of our local doctors...
...we are very, very happy to have her living with us.
(You all know how I feel about the empty nest...don't you?!!)

I will treasure this time we have together.
Take care,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Winterfest 2010

Two weeks have passed since I have posted.
(Thanks to those of you that have expressed concern.)
It has been two weeks of nonstop staining, sewing, painting, gluing, knitting, crocheting, pricing and packing...Besides the usual school and work...
The house is a mess.
My friend, Karren, came over to price our items while I did finishing, pressing, packing and loading.
Thank you.
But here are the results of our hard work.
We had enough variety to draw people in.
We had the best opening day...ever...

And what do we love about Winterfest?
The cozy atmosphere.
The friendly people.
The holiday music.
The tasty food.
(This photo was taken by Aberdeen American News photographer, John Davis)
I wish you all could be here to enjoy the festivities.

Take care,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where did that extra hour go?

With our Winterfest just two weeks away,
I'm looking for some big project finishes this week...

Winter White Pumpkins that need their stems...

Santa suits that need some Santa bodies...

Recipe boxes that need aging and details...

Infinity Scarf finishes...

Sweater Pumpkins to stuff...

Mini Annies that need faces...

Felted Wool Purses that need handles...

Brooches that need assembling...

Decorative Game Boards that need some TLC...

Send some elves...

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...