Thursday, June 30, 2011

Shop Ahead...

While we are all enjoying our summer fun in the sun,
It is time to think about ordering your new fall decorating items.
The Old Farmhouse Gathering on Etsy is introducing a full line of new listings for your home or for gift giving.
Click the picture to check out all the talented artist in the Old Farmhouse.
From my shop, a new Chunky Knit Cowl.
A couple of new, fall cup cozies...
A sweater knit pumpkin, in fall colors.
And in my Notions shop, a vintage beaded necklace and vintage scarf  (sold) from my mom's collection.

Happy Shopping!

Take care,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Mania ~ Class All Day

A teacher has to renew her certificate...

There are about 20 teachers taking this summer course in technology skills...
...sooo much information in sooooo little time...
It's hard to teach an old dog some new tricks!

Take care,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Three Generations ~ Stay in Touch with Extended Family ~ plus Old Meets New = Priceless

Our family has a reunion once every 5 years...the first was in 1986.
(Yes, Amy was a baby...Emily was not here yet)
Emily and I traveled to North Dakota to join my mom in attending the event.
We enjoyed visiting with cousins
and 2nd cousins, once removed.
My mom received a gift for being the oldest in attendance.
She is 90.
Sidney May received a gift for being the youngest in attendance.
She is 5 weeks old.
Sidney's daddy, Craig, let my mom hold his precious daughter...
Thank you. 
That gift was priceless!
Such a sweet baby.

After a full day of visiting, good food, photo shoots, and games,
we brought mom back to her home...we settled into our hotel,
just in time for this...
This is the 2nd time this month that we have been in a hotel during a severe thunderstorm warning.
Both times we were lucky...this one just brought heavy rains, and the hail damage was to the south.
There are reports of water over the roads in places...hopefully, not on our road that leads to home!

Take care,

Friday, June 24, 2011

Birthday News ~ My Family and Friends Spoil Me ~ and A Winner

It was such a beautiful day...
We celebrated out to lunch with daughter, hubby and his mom...
We chose to sit on the outdoor patio and had it almost to ourselves.
(I ordered my favorite sandwich...the BLT)
We also had dinner out at the downtown historic Alonzo Ward Hotel.
Lots of surprises...
flowers, friends, good food.
Seems we also had this place to ourselves.
Thanks to my family for planning this special night out on the town!
All of that should have been enough, but there were gifts too!
Thank you Stacy, Wetenkamps, LaFaves and Scott.
And doesn't everyone need a peacock on their patio?
Thank you Emily and Amy. He just makes me smile!
Don't think I forgot about the birthday giveaway...
There were 45 comments...
We printed them, cut them apart, 
mixed them up in my Rachel Ray garbage bowl (clean),
and then, picked the winner.
Stop over at her blog and say 'Hi'.

My day was perfect...becoming a 'senior' was really OK...
...thanks to my family, my friends,
and  to all of my blog friends that stopped in with Birthday wishes.
Thank you, everyone.

Take care,

Please visit Cindy at my Romantic Home 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What'cha Working on Wednesday?

When summer weather is un-summer-like,
we must entertain ourselves indoors.
Is anyone in the mood for Christmas in July?
I spent some time here...
getting help with my technology.
(more on this another day)
Emily has spent a couple of days organizing her clothing and accessories into categories...
This motivated me to take everything...
I mean, everything out of my closet.
I also have kept some things...have some consignment boxes...and have taken 6 shopping bags to the Nearly New shop.
And finally, this is your last chance to sign up for my blog birthday giveaway

I was born at 1:17 p.m., so we will draw for a winner after lunch.
I am hoping to go out and order from the
Senior Menu!!

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...