Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday ~ Things that Make Me Smile

Today is my last day of summer vacation.
Tomorrow we all go to Teacher Inservice.
Where is the summer go?
Well, I can tell you...the summer highlights were all about 
1. our daughters graduating;
2. our daughters obtaining career jobs; and
3. and our daughters finding a new home.
You all saw Amy's place when I visited her a few weeks ago.
Last weekend, we had the privilege of staying with Emily in her new place.
The living room is large, and Emily has a great style for decorating.
It is an open area with the kitchen to the side...

Emily likes to cook and has organized a very efficient kitchen area...

Here is her bedroom and big closet...


and here's that big closet!

Her apartment bathroom is also large with great storage...
floor to ceiling cabinets...

A garage was included...
when you live in the Dakotas, this is a huge deciding factor!
Emily, we are so happy for you.
You have a great home,
in a great community.

Take care,


Willoughby said...

Summer did speed by far too fast, didn't it?

Emily's apartment looks so nice! I'm sure she got some of that great decorating style from her mom!

jodi said...

Very cute! I especially like the floor lamp in the bedroom!

Linda said...

Isn't it wonderful how daughters have such flair! I'm sure they get it from us. :)

Her vases are fabulous!

Lynette Killam said...

Goodness, you have had a busy time, Natalie! Summers are simply not long enough, are they?

How exciting for your daughters to be setting up their own homes, though a little bittersweet for you, I expect. Emily's place is charming...she does indeed have an eye for style, no doubt influenced by her mother's creative flair!

Enjoy every minute of your weekend...:)

I do hope you got some rest in the midst of the busyness to hold you through the beginning of a new academic year.

M said...

How fun to get to visit before summer is over! No cat at this house?

Crying tears upon returning to work yesterday officially...I have been there for 4 weeks moving....bye bye summer...and it never got hot here :(

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, Emily has a sweet apartment as well! I think they both get their decorating savvy from good ol' Mom!!!!
Linds and Lo started school today; the summer flew by!

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