Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day 2012 ~ No School Today ~
Not only do we have an extra 24 hours this year...
...we get to spend them at home!

I have so many thing on my To Do List,
I just don't know what I want to do first!!

Have a great day, everyone.

Take care,

My dad passed away on February 29, 1988.
I miss you, Daddy.


Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Natalie:
Hope you have a great day, safely at home and indoors today.

I know you'll be thinking about your dad today, too. I'll be thinking of you.


Linda said...

We never get over our Daddy's passings, do we?

Is that snow or storms on your radar?

Linda said...
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Leah said...

The storm was suppose to hit us in Minnesota - but it hasn't yet. I think it just hasn't gotten here. Enjoy your snow day!

M said...

Yikes! That green looks crazy over your area! It's raining here and I am off to school...sproting my rain gear...but it's a 1/4 walk to my work from the carpool drop off...better than a bik ride in this!

My dad passed away in '73...seems like so long ago.

Have a wonderful day off!

pam said...


Ann said...

NO FAIR!! The predicted ice storm we were supposed to get hit with missed us entirely. I had to go to school :( Hope you accomplished lots on your list. ~Ann

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