Monday, May 28, 2012

To Those Who Serve, Thank You

image courtesy of Vintage Holiday Crafts

On this day of remembrance,
we are proud to honor all of the brave men and women,
and their families,
who have sacrificed their lives while serving our country,
 in the United States Armed Forces.

Take care,

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday...

School's Out for Summer!

I have been assigned to a new classroom for next year...
which means...I need to move all of my teaching stuff. 

Since I have six different classes...
I have a lot of teaching stuff...

We have been sorting, cleaning and packing...

It's almost under control...

These sweet little girls belong to my FACS co-teacher...

We have been at school together, 
working on the end of the year stuff...

Let summer vacation begin!

Take care, 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More Mother's Day News...

Our daughters must have collaborated to get a
Mothers Day card and gift to bring on our trip...

Are you curious?

I think it was gift enough that they gave their weekend 
to travel to spend time with me and their grammy.

But...somehow...they knew that I have been working to redo my Sewing Studio...
and they purchased this wall plaque for me.

It is perfect!
I have already chosen the perfect spot.

Callie likes it, too!

And...when I got home, waiting for me,
from my hubby,
a hanging basket of flowers for the front porch.

Calllie thinks I am a Lucky Mommy...
and she's right!

Thank you, Scott, Amy and Emily.
I love you.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Weekend Report...

Our daughters are busy, busy girls...
but were able to clear their schedules to spend the weekend with me,
 to visit mom, their grammy.

Amy had the farthest to drive...
we met at Emily's on Friday evening, so that we could travel the last leg of the journey together.
Here we are...three generations together.

We had two meals with mom at the assisted living facility.
The kitchen staff sets a place for residents and their guests in the activity room.

Check out the pies that were served on Mother's Day...
Cookies & Cream


French Silk

Banana Cream

The weekend weather was perfect and we were able to enjoy our coffee out in the courtyard.

And now...we are all back in our own homes...
facing the work week with renewed energy.

Take care,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day to my Mom and Daughters

Happy Mothers Day to my 91 year old mom.
Here we are in the courtyard of her Assisted Living Facility,
enjoying the warm sunshine and some good conversation.

Happy Mothers Day to our darling daughters.
They traveled with me to spend the weekend visiting their Grammy.
I love you so.

I hope you are all enjoying special time
 with family and friends today.

Take care,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saturday's work...included a little R & R

Thursday and Friday was busy...busy...
as it was time for our Basic Foods Turkey Dinner.

We make four different desserts for the dessert buffet.
Impossible Pumpkin Pie

Chocolate Pudding Pie

Easy No-Bake Cheesecake

and Apple Crisp

Senior boys are chosen to wash and prepare the turkeys for roasting...
(I think these two had a little too much fun, wouldn't you say?!)

Friday morning, the Turkeys needed to be in the oven by 6:00 a.m.,
to be fully cooked by 8:30 a.m.
Thank goodness for the Reynolds Oven Bags...
they decrease the roasting time...
(I previous went to the school by 5 a.m.)

And as tradition, 
our Assistant Principal and School Resource Officer carve the turkeys.

Saturday was a gloomy, rainy day...
a good day for a little nap.

And a good day to take the tired...drab...winter clothing from my closet
and replace it with the spring and summer attire.
You can see that I had a little help...

Until an argument broke out.

There was just enough turkey leftover, so that hubby and I could enjoy a
Hot Turkey Combo...
so I whipped up some mashed potatoes and gravy.
(and yes, I like freshly ground black pepper)

Which dessert was the favorite, you ask?
The Easy No Bake Cheesecake.
for a printer-friendly copy of the recipe
click here

I hope your Saturday's work 
included a little R & R.

Take care,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Things in my House Thursday...

I just want to tell you about this new fragrance...

I like to have a kitchen candle on my stove-top...
and this is my latest ...
Coconut Leaves.

it looks like spring...
and smells like summer...

What is your favorite scent?

Take care,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Whatcha Workin' on Wednesday?

My fashionable daughters are always so good 
to help me select the fabrics for my Infinity Scarves.

These lightweight cotton/polyester blends are great accent pieces 
paired with your summer t-shirts worn with with shorts or jeans.

The fabrics are a soft woven rayon
or soft single knit.

This one is just like having a pair of 
comfy pajamas right around your shoulders!

The colors are bright and cheerful...
Perfect for spring and summer.

Perfect for Mother's Day!

They can be dressed up with a shirt and black pants for work...
Or dressed down with a t-shirt and faded jeans for casual.

I enjoyed this evening in my sewing studio. school... Basic Foods class it was Clear Soup/Chicken Noodle Soup Day.

Click here for a Printer Friendly copy of the recipe
for Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.

The ultimate comfort food...

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...