Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Remembering Just a Year Ago...

It was exactly one year ago today...
it was Monday, January 28th.
Our land-line phone rang at 6:50 a.m.
(I had my coat on and was ready to leave
 for the supermarket on my way to school.)

It was the nurse from Mom's Assisted Living Facility.
She had fallen, and they found her on the floor 
when it was time to get ready for breakfast.

An ambulence had taken her to the hospital...
and they were to call us when 
more information became available.

It was a long morning for me at work,
but I'm sure it was longer for my mom at the hospital.

(When an elderly person breaks a hip,
it usually doesn't turn out for the best.)

Most of you know,
these are the last photos that I have of my mom.

Take care,

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Little Things that Make Me Smile...

It was Crazy Days at the Lakewood Mall...

Hubby bought a new watch for me.
I just love it!
Thank you, honey.

But, it is not just all about the watch...

Remember, just a couple of months ago,
this was my wrist accessory.
And I had a matching set...
one for each wrist.

So this gift is also a celebration of healing...
of improved wrist functioning...
and slowly returning to my daily routine.

Take care,

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday...

It was Apple Pie Day...
It's one of our highlights, actually.
Because...we start.. from.. scratch..

We prepare the apples.

We make homemade pastry.

We mix the apples with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.

We flute the edges.

We brush with milk and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Then we put it in the oven.

And then, we entertain our guests...
with pie, ice cream and coffee.

And a good time is had by all!
(This tired teacher needs to go to bed!!)

Take care,

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monday Mail Call & More Christmas Memories

I ordered something for a little project I have in mind...
I'll take some before and after photos to share.

During our Christmas in New England, 
we enjoyed dinner with Jake's parents.

In the Northeast part of our country, 
one can drive between states in a couple of hours or less.
(not like the Dakotas where it takes 6 hours just to get across one state)

We enjoyed good conversation and great food.
Of course, fresh seafood...appetizers included
Crab Dip and Shrimp Cocktail 

We sat at the table and visited for hours...

The evening ended too quickly and we had to say goodbye.
It was a lovely evening, and a highlight of our trip.

And when we got home...
on the doorstep...
packages from Grandma and Auntie!

Have a terrific Tuesday.
It's back to work, everyone!

Take care,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

What a Teacher does on the Weekend...

Everyone knows that a 
teacher's work is never done.

So...here's a sample of my Sunday afternoon.  
But, either I am a Master Multi-Tasker
or I have ADD...

football...on-line shopping...physical therapy...
correcting student folders...and now, blogging...

Somehow...it's all getting done!
Have a Marvelous Monday, everyone.

Take care,

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Looking for the "Blog Worthy" in my Life...

I've been neglecting my blogs for way too long.
My blog has been my journal and my scrapbook...for years.

However, for over a year, my blog has had several gaps and holes.
I'm not going to lie...2013 was a rough year for hubby and me.

And now?
It's cold and it's dark when I get to work.
Gas prices just went up another 10 cents/gallon.
My hands, wrists, and arms hurt. Everything is a chore...even my hobbies that used to be fun.
And...my school schedule is perhaps one of my worst schedules in 36 years of teaching.

So, there...all my negatives are out.
I really want to focus on the positives.
I plan to focus on the "blog worthy" in my life.

(It's that...or Zoloft)

Take care,

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It was back to work today...but holiday memories dance in my head...

Hubby and I had been planning this holiday trip for months.
Departure from Aberdeen was scheduled for 5:20 a.m.
and on that morning it was well below zero.

I know de-icing is important...however...
they were de-icing ... and then de-icing some more.
Our departure was delayed by 40 minutes...
so, we missed our connecting flight in Minneapolis.

We took a little time to relax and refresh...

And camp out at our gate!

Thank goodness, we got on the next flight.

They don't mess around in Minneapolis.
De-icing was a snap and we were on our way again.

And our new seat assignments?
First class!
Complementary beverages and complementary lunch.
Can you spell L.U.C.K.Y. ??

The rest of our flight was smooth goin'...

And, finally, we were with family in Boston...
enjoying a bite to eat at the East End Grill.

Then, enjoying some game-day snacks and 
cheering for the New England Patriots with Emily and Jake.

So much more to share..
Stay tuned!

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...