Saturday, November 29, 2014

Small Business Saturday ~TILT Clothing Co

Today on Small Business Saturday I am featuring
This is Jake, our soon-to-be Son in Law.

This company was born from his ideas, 
his hard work, and his passion for the sport of lacrosse.

We met Jake in 2008 when he and Emily were freshmen in college.
He played Lacrosse for the NDSU Bison.

During those four years, 
hubby and I attended as many games as we could
in Fargo and in the Minneapolis area.

His senior year he was president and captain of the team 
and they went all the way to the National Tournament.

But now about his business...
After graduation,
Jake worked in the areas of Business and Finace
and also with Online Marketing...

However, this was his calling,
to create a clothing company that
embodies the Lacrosse Lifestyle.

His collection features soft knit
Tee Shirts, Tanks, Long Sleeve Tees and

He has Snapback Hats and other fun surprises.

His inventory is growing...
(I love your beanies, by the way!)

You can like Jake on Facebook here.
You can browse Jake's website here.

Today, shop in your local small business stores...
and remember to check out the little shops online.
(I mean, who doesn't like to shop in their pajamas?)

Happy Shopping!
Take care,

p.s.  There's a sale on the
Short Sleeve Tees,
and Hats.

Some photo credits go to Jake & Robert Hubert

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014 ~A Brief Report

Our gathering was small again this year.
Daughter #1 is traveling to Tuscany with her hubby...
a very special Thanksgiving trip, indeed.

Daughter #2 is with her fiance in New Hampshire...
taking advantage of the New England snowfall to take engagement photos.
Another special Thanksgiving memory.

Here, at home our gather was small.
Hubby and I, with his mom and his sister.
I was up early to prepare the bird.
Everyone here agrees that their favorite dish is the stuffing.

I had plenty of bread to cut into cubes, as we had just had the French Toast lab in school...
the students don't use the crusts and I didn't want them to go to waste.
Along with the bread, there's lots of butter, onion, celery, sage, thyme, 
and freshly ground black pepper.

Some goes in the turkey,
the rest goes in the slow cooker.

It is Amy's (and one year, Nellie's) job to make the homemade Cranberry Sauce.
Love those colors.

I just love, love, love mashed potatoes.
And hubby loves paprika!

I changed the line-up this year.
I added green beans, and we love this recipe with bacon and garlic.

I subsituted baked Butternut Squash for the Candied Sweet Potatoes.
The sweet potato dish was a favorite of Grandpa Leo and my mother.
I had continued to make them after they were gone to honor their memory.
Hubby never ate them, but he does like the it was a good year to make the change.

Of course the Star of the Show is Mr. Tom Turkey, himself.
Golden brown and full of flavor.

Traditionally, it is a position of honor to carve the Thanksgiving Turkey. 
This task should be done by the oldest male in the household.
My hubby does a wonderful job and presents it beautifully on the serving platter.

Grandma baked the pumpkin pie,
Stacy prepared the salad.

It was a cozy gathering.

We have so much to be thankful for.
Faith, Family, Friends,
Health, Good Food, Warm Shelter,
Employment and Hobbies that we Enjoy.

I hope this finds you warm, full of turkey,
and enjoying relaxing time with family and friends.

Take care,

p.s. for those of you that wonder how our cats 
spent their Thanksgiving...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Blessings to our Family & Friends

For each new morning when it's light,
For rest & shelter of the night,
For health & food, and love & friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Take care,

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Mania ~~Back to School & Sunday's Report at Winterfest

All of you artists and crafters will get this...
I always have several projects started, 
and then before a show, there is the big finish.

I had a batch of these wine bottle bags started...
they just needed their drawstring at the top 
and their buttons on their belt.

Since Winterfest doors don't open till 11:00,
I had plenty of time to get them finished early Sunday morning.

Here he is, on display, with hubby's wine bottle jewely.
I still have two left, so let me know if you would like to purchase one.
They would ship easily too!

And speaking of hubby's wine bottle necklaces...
we sold many, but still have several left in our inventory.
These are a great gift idea to have on hand during the holidays.
They are lightweight and ship easily also,
so let me know if you are interested in the prices.

It was a short night.
We unloaded our display stands at the storage shed.
Our inventory is stored here at the house.
We had a bite to eat and before we knew it...
It was Monday morning.

It was buzzing at the supermarket when I got there at 7 a.m.
Aisles were filled with boxes to stock the shelves for Thanksgiving,
and the assortment of turkeys was quite impressive!

I was there for pizza ingredients...
the last of our yeast bread labs.

Cooking is a science and an art!
Looking good, Ladies!!

Take care,

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Winterfest 2014 ~~Saturday's Report

Hubby and I were up and out early.
He finished the lights while I tweaked the displays.

Hubby also takes charge of the cash register 
and this year we have added a Square Reader...
He has it set up on his iPad.
Is that an oxymoron?
Square Reader and iPad
with an antique cash register??

We had a great day and and we want to thank all of our good friends 
that stopped in to say "Hello".

Another thing I love about Winterfest...
the other artists.
Across the aisle from us,

Isn't she just adorable.
She makes the softest minky fleece items for babies.
Plus, she said the sweetest thing to me last night,
I had been her FACS teacher...oh, about 10 years ago.
She said I helped her get started in sewing.
Amber, I'm so proud of you!

Our neighbor behind us has a booth filled with beautiful pottery.
He is Robert Kern and he comes to Winterfest from Wyoming.
And I'm pleased to say that his daughter, Jamie and his son-in-law, Jesse are friends.

On my quick run through the arena, I looked for my friend, Deb.
She has an Etsy Shop, My Stitches to Treasure. 
Doesn't she make just the cutest snowmen?!

And last, but not least, our good friend, Brum.
He is my hubby's golfing buddy and hunting buddy.
He does wood turning and makes fabulous bowls, knitting needles, 
coasters and wine bottle stoppers.

It is well worth the trip downtown.
We hope to see you all tomorrow.

Take care,

Home Sweet Home ~Last Leg of our Fall Foliage Trip ~A Brewery Tour

Y’All know that we’ve been home for a couple of weeks. This was the highlight of our last day on the road. Leaf Peepin’ through Wisconsin. T...