Saturday, February 28, 2015

TGIF and Where the Week Went ~Love my Foreign Exchange Students ~~and it was Turkey Time again

We have this saying here in the midwest...
"if you don't like the weather, stick around for 5 minutes."

I am enjoying 3 foreign exchange students this term.
Cam is from France. We posed for this photo as we were matching one day.
He and I spend half of our school day together, as he is in my Foods class and in Independent Living.

This is Elmine, such a sweet girl from Norway.
Here she is telling us about her country and her culture.

And this is Lukas from Denmark.
I just love his sense of humor.

My foods class is first block this term.
And you all know about my turkey dinner.
I needed to have the bird in the oven very early...6:10 to be exact.

And you've all met our Assistant Principal and Resource Officer.
It is tradition for them to carve the turkeys.
You can see that we are ready to eat by shortly after 9 a.m.

We enjoy a brief presentation and then...we Dish Up!

Today's highlight...
My Independent Living class is all Juniors and Seniors.
We focus on preparing for life after high school.

My friend who is in graduate studies at Northern State University coordinated a panel to speak to my Independent Living students about their transition from high school to college.

It was a great way to end my school week.

And now the weekend begins...

Take care,

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Monday Mania ~Our New Hobby Lobby ~ I Broke Down and Went Inside ~~Is this a Need or a Want?

Saint Patrick's Day is the next holiday to celebrate.
These decorations can be often overlooked
as we go from Valentine's Day to Easter.

Some of you know that we anxiously awaited 
the opening of our new Hobby Lobby store here.

I drive by here twice every day, on my way to and from work.

It opened a couple of weeks ago, but I had not yet been inside.
Emily asked if I had gone...but I told her "No, I don't need any more stuff in our house!
But when I need something, I'll be happy to have Hobby Lobby right here in our hometown."

Back when Amy was a Cornhusker
and Emily was a Bison,
we traveled to Lincoln and Fargo quite often...
and on those trips we got to Hobby Lobby to satisfy our needs.

With Valentine hearts all packed away,
it was time to check out this decor.

You see I have this nightlight in my bathroom, and it needed a new theme.

And with the assistance of my helper cat

my little tree on my vanity is ready for 
St. Patrick's Day.

It's only a matter of time before my hubby declares me crazy
 and makes me put my nightlight away in storage.

Take care,

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Very Special Worship Service, indeed...and this week's Saturday's Work will Just Have to Wait.

Hubby and his good friend, Brum,
were given the opportunity to serve on our church's call committee.
And after a year of meetings, we are blessed with a new pastor.

The Rite of Ordination for a new pastor is hosted by her home congregation,
therefore a road trip to this quaint little church in Madison.

The Processional was impressive with many visiting pastors in attendance.
Bishop Zellmer was there as the Presiding Minister and to deliver the message.

This is our group that traveled from her new church home
to celebrate this day with her.

In fact, Erin enjoyed a large support group of family and friends.

Pastor Erin and her hubby have an adorable daughter.

And you know how Lutheran church women put on a reception...
sandwiches, pickles, nuts, mints, and cake.

Welcome to your new church home, Pastor Erin.

Take care,

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Things in my House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile...My "Conversation Pit"...and Do you and your Hubby Play Games?

Our living room is small,
but, I think, cozy.

A year ago, when Lucy and I took down the tree and other holiday decor,
we thought it looked bare...naked, actually.

We went online and did a little shopping.

We found an area rug and a little coffee table.
I have enjoyed changing the items to coordinate with the season.

Of course, this past Christmas, 
I had so much fun with the Candy Centerpiece.

Let's zoom in on that Currier & Ives Vintage Book,
and that leather case.

That's correct.  
Hubby and I used to play games in the evening.
This awesome Backgammon set was a wedding gift...
and we played all.. the.. time!

And now, I can't even think of the rules!

I don't know what happened...
either we became too competitive?
or we had babies and had no time for games??

But, perhaps we could figure this out...

It's your move...

Pretty sure that I should spend less time correcting papers,
and more time relaxing with my hubby!

How about you?
Do you and your "soul mate" play games??

Take care,

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Valentine's Day Recap; Tuesday's Tip of the Day ~Keep your Appliances out on the Counter so you are More Apt to Use Them

It was the 35th Valentine's Day that Hubby and I celebrated together.
Remember, he had not felt well all week, 
so I think he was ready to venture out and about.

We went down to the Historic Ward Hotel.
Yes, that's where our guys play happy hour jazz on Friday nights.
We shared...and it was plenty.
A salad, 3 garlic herb dinner rolls with olive oil/vinegar for dipping,
And Seafood Fettuccini.

And there was live music.
While our guys play on Fridays...
Dave Ross plays on Saturdays.

A friend beside me ordered the special.
It was a Shimmer-tini.
Her raspberry garnish was shaped like a heart.
(Imagine it tipped more toward us, it  was a perfect heart!)

Now for Tuesday's Tip of the Day
If you have a food processor, have it out and use it...
it will be your new best friend in the kitchen!
Hubby bought this Cuisinart for me in 1980, our first Christmas together.

I have used her for chopping onions and peppers,
mixing banana bread,
and here, cutting the fat into the flour for homemade biscuits.

With a couple of pulses, the fat is chopped 
and the mixture looks like course crumbs.

Then you can add the milk through the chute and...

...then you have perfect biscuit dough.

Most of you remember that in December we were 
planning and preparing for our family to come home.

Miss Cuisinart worked overtime that month.

She made desserts and main dishes.
And it was when I was preparing the lasagna for that first meal together,
that she gave up.  My mother-in-law was here to see our frustration.

So, my MIL just went out and 
purchased a new Cuisinart for our kitchen.

Really?  Seriously??
I love her!

In just this last month we have used her several times.

Just check out these fine bread crumbs.

And these sliced onions and potatoes

to prepare this Cheesy Potato Super Bowl side dish.
Stop back often to see what else she can do!

Thank you so much.
I love my new Miss Cuisinart!

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...