Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Greetings, Dear Family and Friends ~Christmas Eve Traditions ~~Wild Rice Soup Recipe Link ~~Olive Dip Recipe Link

Merry Christmas, everyone.
While last year, we enjoyed family time together,
this year we share them with their 'other' families.

Last evening, we attended worship at 5:30.

A favorite part in the service is
singing Silent Night in the candlelight.

We enjoy appetizers while I prepare the Wild Rice Soup.

This year we took a leaf out of the table to create 
a cozier setting for the four of us.

And in couple hours we will head over to 
Grandma's for Christmas Dinner.
Here we were last year, with our Holiday Tree Sweaters.

Best wishes for a Wonderful Day, everyone.

Take Care,


Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Merry Christmas I hope it was a wonderful one for you!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Your day sounds like a perfect one filled with light and love.

Happy New Year, Natalie!


It was a Warm Welcome Home from our Furry Friends

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