Monday, May 9, 2016

Celebrating a Milestone ~Congratulations to our Emily on Her Graduation Day

Congratulations to this group of classmates 
as they celebrate earning their Master's Degree.
(Our Emily is on the far left)

This processional is for the 2,000 graduate students.
(The undergrad commencement ceremony took place earlier in the day 
at TD Garden with 25,000 people in attendance.)

Hubby and I were unable to attend 
for a number of reasons...
however, our awsome son-in-law
was the best correspondant.

Graduate Selfie...

Non-Grad Selfie.

The Graduate's Hubby had this view of the stage...

...and at home, I had this view of the stage.
I got home from school just minutes before she appeared.
Thank you Northeastern University for providing 
the graduation ceremony live-stream on your site.

Where's Waldo?  Where's Emily??
Bottom and slightly right of the center...
returning to her seat.

And of the photo,
showing off her diploma.

Emily with her classmate and friend, Katrina.
Here they are adorned with the traditional graduation leis,
thanks to Katrina's mom.

And here are the graduates with their main support crew!

Congratulations, Emily!
Congratulations to your classmates.

We are so proud of you.

Take care,

photo credits go to Emily's Hubby, Jake.
Thank you for making us feel like we were there with you!


Joyce said...

Congratulations to your daughter!

Moneik said...

Congrats to your daughter! Such a huge accomplishment.

Happy Happy Birthday, Emily

Today we celebrate the Birthday of our second born daughter, the baby that that made our family complete. A happy little girl, Smart and a l...