Saturday, May 7, 2016

Teacher Appreciation Week Highlights ~Visit by Former Student ~Discussion with a Probation Officer ~Impromptu Fashion Class Selfie ~Beautiful Weather ~Turkey Day ~FACS

It was a pleasant surprise to meet Baby Lily Ann 
and visit with her Mommy.
Abby is one of our former students...
and I'm pretty sure she took every class that I teach!
(They were at school to be guest speakers in our Child Development/Parenting class.)

Another of my favorites is the day our Probation Officers visit 
with my CTE Personal Development  Class.
For two decades they have come into my classroom to visit with students about
choices & consequences, family environment, peer pressure, respect, and attitude.

Thank you Brock, Kevin, Tony and Mike.
You all have done so much for the youth of our community.

One of my students discovered my selfie stick.
Yes, I carry it in my computer bag, just in case.

"Oh...Okay, you can try it."
Part of my Fashion Class gathered for the photo shoot.
"Now...everyone back on task!"

We all know that Winter in the Dakotas lives well into April.
This week, we had days with temps in the upper 80s.
Since everyone had finished their work, 
we spent the last few minutes of class soaking up the warm sunshine.

And last but not least, Turkey Day.
Everyone steps it up a notch for this lab.

On pre-preparation day, students prepare desserts,
and get the turkeys ready and into the roasting bags.

I arrive early the next morning to put the turkeys in the oven.
After I'm sure the birds are roasting nicely, I head to the supermarket.
Did you notice I was the first one in the parking lot?

I stand by the tradition that it is a postion of honor to carve the turkey.
This term, our head principal and school resource officer performed the task.

The students are seated as each one delivers a brief message.
And then, dinner is served.

It is a lot of work, but it is so worth it.

Yes, the life of the FACS teacher is varied...
Child Development, Human Development,
Fashion and Foods.

There's never a dull moment.

Happy Weekend.

Take care,

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