Sunday, August 28, 2016

Where the Weekend Went ~We Love Bison Football

Hubby scored a couple of tickets for 
the college football season opener.

Bison Football Eve was celebrated at the Wurst Bier Hall 
with our good friends, the LaFaves.
Ashley and her fiance, Logan, were able to join us too.
It was fun to chat with her, as she had also just finished her first week of school.
We compared teacher stories...
some things similar, some things very different.
She teaches second grade, and I teach high school.

The next morning, we donned our gold apparel.
It was to be a Gold Rush in the Dome.

First stop...Downtown Fargo.
We visited some quaint little shops,
We stopped by before opening hours, and since it was raining,
the owner invited us in off the sidewalk.

Hubby got to visit with one of the owners/brewers.

Their brew menu reflects creativity and a great sense of humor.

We enjoyed a beverage...

...and shelter from the rain and hail!

Next stop...campus and the tailgating lot.

Of course, these two took much interest in

We found our seats before the pre-game festivities,
raising the National Championship Banner.
You can see our seats were up in the rafters!

I found this photo on-line...
someone on the other side of the banner!

The game was exciting, ending in a tie.
The first over-time in the history of football in the dome!

In dramatic fashion, the Bison pulled off a touchdown,
a defensive stop, and a win!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and are
ready for another week of work!

Take care,

Thursday, August 25, 2016

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~My Classroom is Ready ~~My Last First Day

My classroom is ready.
My teacher "nest" is ready.
This is the first time in my 38 years of teaching that I will be teaching!

No more packing up my "stuff" and pushing my cart
to the other side of the academy
or to the other side of campus.

And, for 18 years, I packed up my "stuff" to drive across town
to a different building.
I am just so excited that I have a place to call home!

Plus, I have gone from as many as seven different preps
to just two. This year I am teaching 
Intro to Foods and
Fitness for Life.

If all goes as planned,
I was getting ready here for
my last first day to meet the students.

I had to use my selfie stick to take the traditional
First Day of School photo,
as hubby was working out-of-town.
(I look nervous, don't I?!)

Best wishes to all teachers and students
for a wonderful school year.

Take care,

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday Mania ~A New School Year & A Fresh Start ~~A Teacher's Work is Never Done

My 38th year teaching and another teaching assignment.
This one promises to be one of the best yet!

We teachers have been preparing classrooms,
preparing lessons, reviewing policies,
attending meetings, cleaning files, 
organizing curriculum materials,
dealing with technology,
creating displays, 
and much more!

I can't wait to show you my classroom.
Stay tuned!

Take care,

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Things in my House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile ~~Our Foyer ~~~Cleaning our House, Room by Room

Welcome to our Home.
One's foyer creates the first impression,
as it introduces your colors and style of decor.

This little doll greets you when you enter.
I purchased her that summer when I was staying in Devils Lake,
caring for my mother.
I replaced the original scissors with these 
that once belonged to our Aunt Birdie.

I'm quite fond of her.
Her name is Millie.
Whenever I leave the house, 
she always makes me feel great about how my hair looks!

Right above Millie's perch is our mirror
and my grandmother's hats.

Below the mirror,
sits a little chair that our family obtained from the
Normania Township Country School.
This one room schoolhouse was only a mile from our farm.
My mother sat on the election board there for years.

I refinished the chair years ago...
there must have been at least seven layers of paint on that piece!

The beautiful quilt is a gift from my blog friend,

When you enter from outside,
this is the scene...
vintage keys, grandma's hat,
and a sweet picture frame.

Keep reading to learn more 
about this precious piece.

I purchased this tote bag at the 
International Market Place when we went to Hawaii.
Both birdhouses are from our handmade collection.

Earlier this spring I found the perfect Jute Rug for the floor.

Now, more about that picture frame.
This inscription is on the back,
in my mother's handwriting.
She was 19 years old.

These are the names of the girls that 
lived together in that Dormitory.

Over 75 years later,
this message of friendship 
is still perfect for today.

"I wish you joy in whatever you do."

Take care,

I hope you enjoyed this little tour!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Happy Anniversary to These Love Birds

Just one year ago, Emily and Jake exchanged vows 
surrounded by their family and closest friends.

Happy Anniversary and 
Best wishes for many, many more.

Take care,

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Things in my House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile ~Never Enough Cats

My hubby travels for work on occasion.
Once a month, twice a month, twice a week...
it just depends on what's going on with the DOL.

After office hours, he finds a place for dinner, 
and then frequents the local shops.

Often, he returns home with a gift, and this week...
it was perfect!
A cast iron cat with a super long tail,
displaying a ball of twine.
It is a perfect addition to my sewing studio!

Another gift from his state-wide travels...
this cat was a gift when he returned from a trip to Spearfish.

And this furry cat is a gift from years ago...
just because hubby knows that I am a crazy cat lady!

They are all such sweet gifts.
They all have a special place on display.

Thank you, honey.

Take care,

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~Sorting and Moving my Teacher Stuff

My friend, Kari, posted this meme on my 
facebook news feed earlier this summer...
made me laugh out loud!

Some of you remember my posts last May?
I moved out of my classroom in the ATEC Building.

I moved my curriculum materials out of my space in the
Teacher Planning Center.

I had three decades of resources stored there.

Most of it ended up stacked in our garage.
There were no less than two dozen of these paper boxes 
stacked by the front of my vehicle.

Throughout the summer, with Callie's help,
I sorted stuff.
So much garbage went out to the curb on Wednesdays.

It was exhausting!

Last weekend, hubby and I made a quick stop at school
 to see how the construction was coming.
(I am very excited to come back and 
show you our new Commercial Foods Lab!)

In my classroom, I found the cleaning, 
painting and waxing finished... hubby helped me arrange my furniture to create my
"Teacher Nest".

We investigated the TPC to find the new carpet installation was complete
and our desk modules were back in place.

So, it was time to get super serious at home!
I had stacks of stuff on the dining room table and chairs.
I created signs for my boxes to organize supplies and resources...
It is time to start moving it back to the school!

Here a few of my boxes.

Now, to find the perfect balance of teacher preparations
with  the end of summer rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...