Sunday, March 12, 2017

On the Mend ~The Return of Winter is Our Top Story ~~My Chicken Soup Recipe Link

It has been snowing
About nine inches has fallen.
We just received the school reach call 
for a two-hour late start.

That means that students have a two hour late start,
and teachers still report at their normal contract time.
I hope I don't get stuck!

I'm currently making adjustments to my lesson plans.

Thank you, all, for your well wishes.
I am feeling better this evening.
Hubby was thoughtful to bring a cup of soup 
home from Romas after they were done playing.

The Jazz Group played both Friday and Saturday...
I was disappointed to miss out on all the fun.

Between our Winter Weather and my Influenza,
the soup from Romas really hit the spot.
Tonight I felt well enough to cook up a pot of our own.

Here is our favorite recipe for

This came across my Facebook Newsfeed this week.
I couldn't agree more!

Take care,

1 comment:

Attic Clutter said...

OH man oh man..
ugh Sorry Natalie !!
well so true Spring will be there soon :)
Been nice here 50 ish
snow is melting..yippee
The soup looks really good !!

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