Friday, March 10, 2017

Ugh ~A Sick Day was NOT a Part of My Plan

Yesterday, my voice a little froggy.
I figured that after a quiet night at home, I'd be better today.
Not so...this morning I woke with no voice, and when I did try to talk, I couldn't stop coughing.

I wanted to set up sub plans before anyone else got to school...
not another car in the parking lot!

The first few days with new students are so important 
for establishing ground rules and a good rapport.
I did not want to miss school today.

Not to mention, how much work it is to set up for a sub.
This was my desk when we went to Nick's graduation.

Pretty sure I have been bit by the Influenza Flu Bug.
Fever, body aches, freezing down to my bones,
and then too hot for the blanket.
Even my toes hurt!

Hubby brought this home from work!

My Friday Night Fun includes
Tissues, Tangerine Tea, 
a Heating Pad, and my Prayer Shawl.

I can't remember the last time I felt this miserable.
Stay healthy, everyone!

Take care,


Deb said...

Oh no Natalie, sorry you are feeling so awful, sending healing energy and some virtual chicken soup, hope you feel much better come Monday! Deb xo

Natalie said...

Hope you are feeling better! Take care. Nat:)

Leaon Mary said...

I'm so sorry you've not been well! I see this post was written two days ago so I hope and pray you're feeling some relief now. Get well soon Miss Natalie!

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