Thursday, April 13, 2017

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday~That's a lot of Bread #lovefacsclasses

Today we baked 21 batches of Cinnamon Rolls...
and noone killed their yeast!

Most of them were picture perfect...
and "melt in your mouth" delicious!

Yesterday, we made dinner rolls.
18 batches turned out...
One group killed their yeast.
One group used too much flour.
One group mismeasured their salt.
That's an 86% overall.
I guess we can't get an A every day!

Before the yeast breads, 
we prepared the four types of Quick Breads.

Pour Batter, Drop Batter,
Soft Dough, Stiff Dough,
along with a couple of variations on the Quick Bread theme.

Learning skills for a lifetime.

Take care,

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I so wish my boys had the opportunity to take a class like yours when they were in high school. Their life skills classes were no where near as tasty as yours!

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