Friday, December 1, 2017

My Thanksgiving in Boston ~Family, Gratitude, Good Food ~Here's my Report

my favorite holiday.

It's all about spending time with family,
and giving thanks for all our blessings in life.

The cooks were in the kitchen early... that bird needs time to roast.

It takes teamwork to get him in the oven.

Then one can prepare the other sides
at a more leisurely pace.

Since this was their first time to host Thanksgiving 
in their own home,
Jake and Emily wanted to blend the traditions of both families.

Creamed Pearl Onions are Jake's favorite.

It was time for the main event.
We enjoyed a cheese ball and crackers
with those pretty fall cocktails.

Next course,
a cup of Asparagus Soup.
Almost too pretty to eat!

Then, this is when things get a little hectic.

Carving the Turkey.

Mashing the Potatoes and Making Gravy.

The Scalloped Corn

The Stuffing

The Pearl Onions

The Pear Walnut Salad

It was a beautiful spread,
and everything was delicious.
I was so proud of our host and hostess.

After some time on the couch, watching a little football,
it was back into the kitchen to whip the cream.

A sweet ending to a perfect holiday.

Take care,

1 comment:

My Colonial Home said...

Your Thanksgiving looked wonderful. Your daughter and son in-law law work great together!I

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