Sunday, May 6, 2018

Getting Out and About ~Coffee on the Seawall ~Meeting our Grandson ~Day 14

When there is a new baby in the house, most of one's time is spent
with baby eating, sleeping, and his tummy time on the playmat.

After a couple of rainy days at home, it was time 
to go out and about. 
Here's driving on base...

...and here's driving off base.

Can you tell where we are?

Sometimes new mommies need coffee!

This Starbucks is near the Seawall, 
so we three enjoyed a little stroll.

Yes, there was an Island Breeze!

We ended up back in the American Village,
so we checked out some of the shops.

Home again.
There is nothing like snuggling a baby when he's falling asleep,
especially, when it is your grandson.

Sweet Dreams, Baby Jack.

We are Blessed!

Take care,

p.s. Some of you local friends know that I am home.
Since there isn't anything blog-worthy going on here,
I will continue to share photos and stories 
about my trip to meet our grandson

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Remembering Daddy

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