Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday Mania & Where the Weekend Went ~Preparing for Baby Jack’s Visit to our Home

Most of you know that I have been home for a few weeks.
Since her hubby was gone, Amy and Jack drove me into Naha city.

We allowed plenty of time for our trip to the airport,
as it was the start of a holiday week in Japan.

I held Jack one more time 
while his mama got ready.

You can see trip itinerary,
my purse, and a quick breakfast.

This was my ride home.

The twelve and a half hour trip took me 
right over my final destination!
However, we were heading to Chicago,
and then, after a layover, I flew back to Fargo.

At home, the cats wondered where I had been.
They helped me sort the mail pile.

We celebrated Mother’s Day with MIL & SIL.
This package arrived via the usps.

This beautiful scarf was in that package.
Thank you, Emily and Jake.

I got up early the next weekend to watch the Royal Wedding.
This was one of my favorite photos.

We set some record high temperatures 
here in South Dakota.

But this is the biggest and most important news...
Amy and Baby Jack are going to visit us here in a week!

This calls for some new bedding in Amy’s old bedroom.

I have the most generous friends
that lent me the necessary infant equipment.
We have the Pac 'n Play set up across the hall
in Aunt Emily's old bedroom.

I ordered the appropriate bedding
and washed it with 
the appropriate laundry detergent.

This infant seat rocks and vibrates.

This infant seat swings and plays music.

I set up a changing station for Amy and baby,
with some wipes and diapers.

This infant seat is like a cozy little cocoon,
in case Jack doesn't like sleeping in the Pack 'n Play.

Tummy Time at Papa and Nana's house!

Hubby and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary.
MIL treated us to dinner at Mavericks
and Mavericks treated us to dessert.

We have enjoying getting things ready
and look forward to having our family visit.
(Stay tuned for photos.)

Take care,

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