Friday, June 1, 2018

TGIF ~A Unique Visitor to Hubby's Man Cave

Did I say that nothing blogworthy happens around here?

Not true!
Last evening, I was in the kitchen starting dinner, when
hubby comes inside to say, "Guess who's in the mancave with me."

I'm thinking a squirrel? bird? a mouse?? a bat???
It was a turtle!

We quickly alerted our neighbors...our driveways are adjacent.
We wanted to share this moment with these cute little boys.

The boys named him "Ertle the Turtle".

Check out Ertle's tummy.
It is a work of art.

And Ertle was fast!
So much for being as slow as a turtle!!

The young family took responsibility for Ertle's future.

Besides being fast, Ertle was agile.
He could climb out of the box that I provided,
as well, as this tin planter.

So in the tin, in a plastic tub,

the boys and their parents took Ertle for a short drive
to release him in a nearby pond.

And Ertle lives Happily Ever After!

Happy Weekend, Everyone.

Take care,

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