Thursday, April 25, 2019

Things in our House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile ~Spring Bulbs ~Mail Call

Remember that pot of spring plants from the Easter Bunny?
There are now cheerful yellow daffodils blooming.

It started out with these pretty purple blooms...

Once fully open, their heads were too heavy for their stems,
So I cut them off and they are thriving in a vase of water.

It appears that another type of bud is forming.
I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Another surprise this week...
A package in our mailbox.

Our daughter and son in law recently 
went on a cruise with family.
They picked up this beautiful bottle 
of vanilla extract for us.
It smells wonderful.
Thank you, Emily and Jake.

Saturday Surprise?
I guess anything is possible here.
But I’ll be bringing that sweet Easter plant indoors!

Take care,

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Weekend 2019 ~The Empty Nester’s Report

It was a beautiful Holiday Weekend.
My Newsfeed was filled with family photos 
with Easter Greetings.
I enjoyed seeing your children and grandchildren.
My, how they’ve all grown!

Hubby colored the eggs with me.
Since our kids were little, we always used cups with handles.
It gives them something easy to grip, and not spill!

Another tip is to drip dry the eggs on a wire cooling rack.

I baked another loaf of the Rustic Artisan Bread.

Do not be intimidated by Roomba.

The Easter Bunny stopped by early with a plant...
Beautiful buds, and the bulbs can be planted to last all summer.

Last year I found this tablecloth and centerpiece 
in the Target Clearance aisle.
I was happy to re-discover it this spring in my Easter Storage Tote.

Easter Sunday Worship at Zion.

Unless, you have small children, 
or a cat that cruises your table top, 
you can arrange your place settings early.

I like to set out all my serving pieces, too.
Then you have more time to visit when your guests arrive.

We served Ham, Grilled Salmon,
Baked Potatoes, Spring Berry Salad,
Grilled Asparagus and Roasted Carrots.

It was my Sister in Law’s Birthday,
So my MIL baked a cake.
After the meal, she opened her gifts.
MIL brought a hostess gift for me too!

It was a fresh smelling candle for summer.

The Easter Bunny left this very cute basket on the counter.

I like to keep my bunny decor out for a while.

Happy Spring, Everyone.

Take care,

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday Miscellaneous ~Where the Week Went ~Looking for the Blog Worthy

 This is Us...Seven years ago.
The photo showed up in my Facebook Memories.
We look so much younger!
Where does the time go?!

Oh, and my Facebook Messenger 
was hacked this week.
Notice it looks like I am 
using a phone number in Nigeria.
Why don’t these computer wizards 
use their technology skills for something useful?

Have you all been watching “This Is Us”?
That season finale gave us viewers so much to think about.
Their writers are amazing!

The older we get, 
the more we like to prepare dinner at home 
with fresh ingredients and our favorite seasonings.

Now that we have had a tiny taste of spring, 
I am looking for new recipe ideas.
This looks like a tasty salad.

According to Fitbit, 
I have taken 3 million steps since the middle of June.

We went out to Minervas 
with our Friday Night Friends.
Hubby and I shared the Firecracker Shrimp.
I recommend it.

One of our friends gifted all of us girls
with a spring daffodil bud.
Thank you, Charlotte.

We used the last Corned Beef Brisket from our freezer.
I roasted it on Saturday...
Hubby made Corned Beef Hash on Sunday.

A spring storm is in our forecast.
Enough already.

Is there no end to House Chores?
I have been working at a temporary part-time job 
for the last couple of weeks.
After my last day, 
it will be time to resume my spring cleaning at home.

But first, we are going to have one more round of winter.

Stay safe and warm!
Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...