Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Celebrating Father’s Day ~The Big Surprise ~Here’s My Report ~Day One

We have planned this trip for months. 
Everyone except for Emily, that is...
She had no idea we were coming for a visit.

We left on the 5 a.m. flight.
Yes, we were up super early that morning.

Our connection in Minneapolis was tight. 
In fact, our flight to Boston was already boarding 
before we had arrived at our gate. 

We were happy that both of us 
and our luggage made the connection!

Once in Boston, we secured our rental vehicle 
and made the five hour drive up north for the weekend.

It is tradition for Emily and her hubby 
to celebrate Father’s Day with his family. 
This year, they invited us to join them to 
surprise Emily by having her own father there, too!

We enjoyed an evening with Jake’s family...
good food and great conversation.

And then the message came that they were arriving.
Emily’s dad was there to greet them at the door.

The look on her face was priceless.

The long day of travel was worth it 
just for the smiles and hugs.

We are blessed.

There’s much more to the story, 
so stay tuned.

Take care,

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