Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day 2020 ~Remembering my Daddy

This date comes around only every four years,
the anniversary of the day the angels came
and took my Daddy to his Heavenly Home.

It’s has been 32 years since that Leap Year
when we said goodbye.
I still think think about him every single day.

Take care,

Thursday, February 27, 2020

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~Here’s my Pre-Travel Report

If you have known me for a while,
you know that I have a workout routine at home.
So, I got some early morning steps in.
Notice Lizzie, my personal trainer providing encouragement
from her favorite chair in the family room.

My friends on the Today show,
keep me up to date in all that is happening around the world.

Of course, on the days I am the busiest,
those are the mornings that my Personal Trainer
wants some pre-work out snuggles on my lap.

About halfway through my walk on the treadmill,
she gets bored...and who can blame her.
If it weren’t for Savannah, Hoda,
Craig, and Carson, I’d be bored too.

Since hubby was working out of town,
I put a coat on over my pajamas
and got the garbage out to the street.

There were some tasks to take finish
for PEO and Delta Kappa Gamma.
This was also a good time to make sure
all of my electronics were fully charged.

Then I went out and about for some last minute appointments.
Thanks, Diane, for a little pampering.

We are celebrating two family Birthdays in March,
so a quick stop to pick up gifts that Grandma/Great Grandma
wanted me to tuck in my suitcase.

This photo is worth a thousand words...

Back home to zip up my luggage and check the weight.
It turns out I had three pounds to spare!

After my Helper Cat and I made sure things were tidy...

...It was time for a little relaxation by the heat register
and wait for Hubby to come home!

Take care,

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Countdown to Some Hugs and Kisses with our Grandson ~Two Days

This Nana and Grandpa enjoyed a recent
FaceTime Chat with this Special Little Man.

Jack had lots of things to tell us...and now it is
just a matter of days until I get to chat with him in person.

I can’t wait to scoop him up in a big hug!

Stay Tuned.

Take care,

Friday, February 21, 2020

FriYay’s Fabulous Fashion Finds ~Stylin’ After Sixty

Who else is tired of their Winter Wardrobe?
I am in love with the Vintage Red Pickup that is
featured during the Holidays, but here it is...
revived for Spring and Summer.

Just because I retired from teaching Fashion,
It doesn’t mean I have lost my passion for Fashion.

But in retirement I have changed my daily attire
to a more casual, comfortable style.

I already have some trousers this color in my wardrobe.
I just need to find this cardigan somewhere!

Of course, whether you work every day or you hang out at home,
it is always best to have a theme so you can mix and match.

Like me, you all probably get plenty
of Sponsored Posts on your Instagram Feed.

When you see something you love,
take a screenshot and save it to a photo album.

This is my third year of retirement.
I am still working to re-home my teacher clothes.

And create a new wardrobe
for this next stage of my lifecycle.

Take care,

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Things in Our House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make me Smile ~National Love Your Pet Day

This Day is all about Lizzie.

She is a great helper cat when we are
working on projects that are fun and creative...

...or working on tasks that are tedious.

Lizzie has her own chair
for watching television in the family room...

...and her own stool at our counter.

Our friends gifted her a plate of her own
for when she eats her cat treats.

Lizzie is the King of her Hut.

She guards the entrance and clears out all the pesky rodents.

Every morning, when I tidy up the house,
I seek out all the mice, rats, and bunnies
and place them on her hut.

She’ll either bump them down one at a time,
or clear them off with one swoop of her paw.

She continues to reign over her domain
even when I run the Roomba.

She is not just the King of her Hut,
she is pretty much the Queen of this Castle.
She sometimes sits at the top of the stairway where
she can keep an eye on both the upstairs and downstairs.

She loves visiting the Man Cave...

...and often reminds Hubby that she is in charge.

She doesn’t hesitate to show Roomba Who’s the Boss.

Probably the sweetest,
was how quickly she made friends with our Grandson.
Here they are getting acquainted at Breakfast the first morning.

It wasn’t long before they were playing with
Legos and Grandpa’s Hot Wheels.

Lizzie’s favorite place to relax is on this
rug in the kitchen in front of the Heat Register.

Who can blame her?
When she falls asleep, she is like a limp noodle.

Whether you love Dogs or Cats... know that the love of a pet
is the best example of unconditional love.
Treat your Furry Friend to some Extra TLC today.

Take care,

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Valentine’s Weekend ~Here’s My Report ~It All Started with a Lovely Dinner Party

It was a wonderful weekend to celebrate love.

We were invited to a Dinner Party with
our Friday Night Friends.
We get together every Friday to celebrate the weekend.
We are all retired, empty nester couples...
all of our children and grandchildren live far away.

Our hostess, Wendy set a lovely table.
The red heart doilies under our salad bowls stole my heart.

Here we are...the Galentines.

We all know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Wendy worked all afternoon on her Bolognase Sauce.
She kept it warm in her crockpot.

Charlotte prepared her Olive Cheese French Bread.

And Patty tossed her Salad with homemade dressing.

My assignment was dessert.
I made a Chocolate Ribbon Cheesecake
with a Strawberry Garnish.

Here’s my recipe if you are interested.

Here are our Valentines.

A gift from the heart...
There isn’t anything better than that.

This came to me in the mail this week
from my long time college friend, Debra.

I love, love, love, getting something in the mail
besides bills and junk.

“Much too good for Children”
Who else remembers this quote by Mrs. Trunchbull on Matilda?

Sending love over the miles.
Guess which card is from our grandson, Jack.

Of course, Hubby treats me like a Queen.
His coffee-themed card, a new mug, and a Starbucks gift card
came together to be the perfect Valentine.

I mean, here’s the bottom of my new mug!

So...our Valentine’s Day lives on with these chocolates.
You all remember those Crystal Candy Dishes on my table?
Hubby’s favorite candy on the left,
My favorite candy on the right,
And something for everyone in the center.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...