Friday, July 24, 2020

When Great Grandma Turns Ninety One

You might remember that last year we had a Party
for Great Grandma’s Milestone 90th Birthday.
However, I’d say that now, every birthday we celebrate
with her is a milestone!

Hubby’s sister invited us to her house for dinner.
She purchased Salmon, cause Great Grandma loves Salmon.

Hubby was in charge of preparing it on the grill.
The menu also included Rice, Salad, and Bread...

Along with our first Corn on the Cob of the season.
It was delicious.

For her gift, I found a cute basket and filled it
with some of her favorite consumable items.
After all, a Senior doesn’t really need
any more “stuff” for their house!

We included a bottle of Pino Grigio,
Harvest Wheat Crackers and Cheese,
Her favorite Sweet Snack Bars,
A Bunch of Grapes,
And Fresh Cut Flowers.

My Sister in Law gave her a roll of Stamps...
I think that is a genius idea for a
Senior Birthday Gift.

We topped off the evening
with a little cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday.
Here’s to Many More!

Take care,

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