Thursday, August 26, 2021

This Papa and Gigi had some Very Special House Guests ~Here’s my Report

We enjoyed our time with these little guys in June.
Knowing that they had a trip planned to the Midwest
later in the summer, made it a little easier to say goodbye.

Papa and Gigi have spent weeks planning and prepping
for our family’s visit. Finally, the week had come.

These two were the first to arrive.
Our youngest daughter and her husband have been traveling
through several states, staying with family.
They spent two weeks with his folks and will be with us
for the same amount of time. We visited Grandma at our first opportunity
and had a tour of her back yard, checking out the creek…

…and to see how her garden grows.
Raccoons had come the night before and
helped themselves to her corn.

Our oldest daughter, husband and their sons
joined us the following day.
It was wonderful to have our entire family together.
You maybe notice someone is missing from this photo?
I’m not talking about me, the photographer…

The baby needs to have dinner early
so he can go to bed at a decent time.
You all know that a well-rested baby is a happy baby!

He’s especially happy when he plays
with his aunt and uncle!

Stop back again to see more photos of our family fun.

Take care,

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