Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School for Teachers

The beginning of the school year is always an exciting time. Teachers all over the country are busy creating the ideal climate in their classroom. They are arranging the desks and tables to create cooperative learning groups or to encourage large group discussion. They are hanging posters on their walls to welcome students and encourage respect and responsibility. They prepare curriculum, school supplies and support materials. A teacher's work is never done. There is always another idea or task on the list of things to do!! Teachers spend alot of time in August preparing an environment that is conducive to learning.

Today marks the first day of my 30th year of teaching. When I say this, I can hardly believe it. It seems like forever and just yesterday at the same time! Today's inservice featured this gentleman, Murray Banks. His message was inspirational and motivational. Check out his website for more information.


BeadedTail said...

Congratulations on your 30th year of teaching! I have great respect for teachers and admire your dedication to education!

Kristin said...

Many many congrats to you! I hope you find ways to celebrate the 30 years in teaching all year long! And if you don't mind me saying..You do not AT ALL..or By any stretch of the imagination..Look like you have been teaching 30 years! (from the picture with the grill!!) Congrats again!

Suzanne said...

I am in awe. What an accomplishment. I agree with "mysweetthree". You must have started teaching when you were 2!

Ginny’s Lazy B Ranch said...

Bravo, Bravo, 30 years is fantastic. I feel like 25 is a lot. You definitely started teaching when you were very young. I did, because I sure felt like I was about the same age as some of those high school seniors. Congratulations! You still sound so excited. I honestly still enjoy teaching also. We had a very good speaker for our inservice this year also. I will look up their website. Hope you have a wonderful 30th year and get to celebrate throughout. Do you think of retirement? I sure do, but probably won't be able to afford to, so I'm thinking of another possible career to prepare for before I retire, possibly physical therapy assistant.

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...