Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things in My House Thursday III

My treasures...the items in our home are not expensive items...but have a wealth of sentimental value. My husband is a 'romantic'...while we were dating and first married, he surprised me with flowers many times. Sometimes fresh, sometimes silk. This arrangement was an anniveray gift
several years ago. The three books all bring a unique and special message. They coordinate in color despite the fact that they are gifts from three differnt individuals. 'The World according to Mister Rogers' is from one of my best friends, Lorie.
'Burnt Toast' is from my daughter.
'When I was a Girl' is from my Sister-In-Law.
All three were fun reads, and could be read over and over again!

The candle was also a gift from my dear husband.
"Families fill our lives with happiness and laughter....leaving us moments to treasure today and forever after."


MSM said...

What a perfect 'tablescape'. I love that you have meaning behind every item; that it what I have been trying to de-clutter my house down to.

Thanks for joining TIMHT!!

Renna said...

You have some lovely things.

I remember when my husband used to bring me flowers...I think...yeah, yeah, I do! ;-Þ

Just kidding! My husband is somewhat of a romantic, too. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for your kind words. Your blog is really nice!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Love it!! Now answer me this... How do you people do that!? You have it all set out looking so chic. You need to come visit me here in Iowa. I need serious help!!

Kim Caro said...

my treasures are photos and memories...that cant be taken :)unless i lose my memory!

Blackfeatherfarm said...

My house is full {too full, working on that ] of "cheap" treasures. Things I just love, but did not cost alot of $$$. Its the sentiment, how you feel when you see it, or the history, not the cost.

Kylie Bowers said...

Lovely, its so nice to have a few speical things!

Marilyn - A Mixed Bouquet said...

I love the arrangement! How nice that your dh is a romantic. :D

Karen said...

Love your blog! A little bit of everything. I, too, have lots of things with sentimental value... things I wouldn't part with for the world (although I will be the first to admit I have TOO much stuff! LOL Maybe I'll feature some of my items on my blog one of these days. Keep writing! Happy Birthday Mom!

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