Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winterfest 2008 ~ Ready or Not, Here We Come!

As usual, I woke up I put finishing touches on the Chenille Snowman that were waiting to go to Winterfest. We set up the tent, lights, shelving, and tables on Friday night.
On Saturday, we bring our items, finish displaying them...and wait for 10 a.m. when the doors open.
My DH made different display stands this year. The antique ironing board...which is over 110 years old... belonged to my grandmother Hilda (who is pictured at the bottom of each blog page). We use it to showcase our small items.
We have a small tree for our ornaments.
Here are must trusty assistants at home...Callie is in charge of pricing. She gets right into the box with the price tags.

Lucy is in charge of boxing things up...


Tolentreasures said...

Beautiful display. I love your snowmen! Hope that you did well.


Anonymous said...

It is just beautiful !! Sell sell sell !

Michelle said...

Good luck and have fun!

Jody said...

Natalie! Love the snowmen, and your craft display is awesome! Really enjoyed looking!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Great display Natalie! Your products looks great. I love the antique ironing board, that's a nice touch!
Wishing you much success!!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Drat! I'm too far away to join you. Hope it all goes very well! Of course, with your assistants it should go very smooth.

sweetiepie said...

Your stuff looks great. What a great talent you have.

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...