Monday, January 12, 2009

Messy Monday and Much Miscellaneous

That's what the weather man called it...Messy Monday. We are in a blizzard warning and school was called off. I would do the 'happy dance' except we will have to make this day up the day after Memorial Day...which will be beautiful and we will want to be outside! (Actually, I'll be going to school after Memorial Day anyway, to clean in my classroom and post final it's OK). So I'm spending my extra free time today, planning ahead in my lesson plan book.
This is the view from the front door when I opened it to get the newspaper.
This is the view from the deck doors. Remember how our deck looks after a wind storm? Click here.
Remember how our deck looks on a good day? Click here.
I am thankful that our kids are all back to where they belong...with their studies...Physicians Assistant, Police Academy, Construction Management, and Exercise Science...each pursuing a career in an area that suits them so well...their talents, their passion...
Because of the weather, I was in the mood to list a snowman in my Etsy shop. This guy is a friend to our feathered friends...
So, during the holidays, I was the lucky winner of another blog give-away. Demandablues makes fun skirts for girls half my age, so I chose the pillow because I knew it would look great in our daughters bedroom! Thank you so much!!
Also thank you to Kim, my blog friend at Valley Primitives. She has chosen me to receive one of the lemonade stand awards...
And thanks to Jody, my blog friend at Primgal's Primitive Palette, the first of 3 to tag me for this award. I believe I am to tell you seven random facts about myself...hmmm...I guess I've been putting this off cause I think my life is rather uninteresting, but here goes...

1. I am 100% Norwegian and like lutefisk and lefsa.

2. I was a cheerleader and would rather watch sports than to play.

3. I have a double major and double minor and now a Master's degree.

4. I don't really like dessert.

5. I used to sew all of my clothes, including jeans and underwear.

6. I wanted to be a Dean of Women at a college or university somewhere, someday.

7. I think that being a Mom is the best job in the whole wide world.
Now, as far as passing these two awards along...I choose the top 10 blog friends in my side bar to respond if you are interested...please...
And do you wonder what cats do on a school day? Well, wonder, no more!


BittersweetPunkin said...

Oh more snow....I wish we would get more but with all the people having to deal with flooding here it's probably not a good idea.

I'm jealous of your new postage scale!!


Stuart Maughan said...

Great blog. Thankful for those special people who dedicate their live for the instruction of our children. Thanks to you and your family for sharing and giving so much. Please visit our blog any time. (can guarantee that the spelling will be correct).

M said...

Ohhh my- I won't tell you that it was 74 degrees here when I got home from work! And I have to go to work well past Memorial Day....until like June 12!

I agree...being a mom is one of the greatest jobs ever...and the hardest one I will ever have!

Ann said...

You are correct, being a mom is the best job in the world. I just added you to my list of must watch blogs.

pam said...

Oh, I hope you enjoyed your snow day! That's just how my cats helped me enjoy mine!

Michelle said...

Yay! you win alot!

Renna said...

You are an amazingly accomplished woman!

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...