Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chicken Stock Wednesday

Do you recall the day my 2nd Term Basic Foods class made their Homemade Chicken Stock? Well, that was December and it was 'Soup Weather'. Today, it was a beautiful, spring day...72 degrees...but the Chicken Noodle Soup was just as delicious. I love the interaction between the students and their chicken...I simply must share their pictures.
If you are now in the mood to make this yourself, you can find the recipe here.


M said...

Oh my gosh! They are just BIG kindergartners...I don't know how you do it!
Happy Wednesday!

MSM said...

I loved clicking on the pics to better see these teenage boys holding the raw chicken.... antics aside, their future wives are going to be grateful that they have some familiarity in the kitchen! :)

BittersweetPunkin said...

That has got to be a fun class!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great group of kids you have in your class! I have to it still cold there? I'm looking at what they are wearing in comparison to all the shorts, t-shirts and sandals I see here in NC already! It has been toasty!!

Mystic Silks said...

Hey, boys should also know how to cook!

Look like they had fun--:)

I enjoy your blogs Natalie--:)

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