Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sentimental Saturday

Emily and I spent our day with mom, helping her clean and organize her things in her apartment. Each box that we opened contained wonderful treasures that told stories of her past. In her closet...six shoe boxes full of vintage scarves. Most were in excellent condition. She kept her favorites in her dresser drawer, and sent several home with us. (Watch for some in my Etsy Shop) This one adds a touch of spring to her gray sweater, doesn't it?!
Emily, Mom, Ken and I went to the St.Olaf Church Rummage Sale. We had to make two trips to the car with all the goodies we found for Emily's apartment. We enjoyed lunch prepared by the church ladies...barbecues and homemade pie.
After lunch and back to work. I'd say one of the highlights was this bed jacket. My mom received it when she was in the hospital having a baby. It was from my dad's sister, Aunty Vivian. The note on the box read 1951. It is still in perfect condition. We had a good day...three generations together...sharing precious memories.


Lori in South Dakota said...

Moms, Grandmothers, Daughters, rummage sales, and vintage clothing--it couldn't get any better!

Lori in South Dakota said...

The bedjacket was priceless!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful..more memories made.

Della said...

What a wonderful weekend. I'm so jealous. I have not even thought about bedjackets in years. I wish I still have the one my mom gave me when my first child was born. It was quilted, pink with lace. Perhaps I should dig deep into the cedar chest. I cannot imagine getting rid of it.

pam said...

It sounds like you had a lovely weekend! I love the bed jacket!

Christine Burgess said...

What a sweet article. How nice to spend time together and go over memories. said...

It sounds like a wonderful time....

CreationsAnew Photography & Design

Mystic Silks said...

Memories are made of those days spent close together--:)

LOvely vintage!!

M said...

Now that is cool! I love old treasures and I especially love treasures when I know the stories behind them!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Sounds like a WONDERFUL day Natalie! Very special :)

Carol said...

How wonderful!! What a great day. Thanks for sharing. Very special when generations can get together.

MSM said...

Love the purple scarf! Some people just have style!

Remembering Daddy

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