Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Morning Mania

Meet Mr. Hansen. He teaches Social Studies...He coaches Football...
His planning period is 1st Block, same as my Basic Foods last week he stopped by. We were preparing eggs...scrambled...fried...hard cooked. So...he demonstrated his specialty...Toad in the Hole...
Here's what you do...
Butter both sides of a slice of bread.
Tear out the center to create a small hole.
Place bread on hot skillet or griddle.
Crack egg and slide into hole.
Fry until bread is golden brown.
Carefully turn, to brown the other side.

So, today...with intensity, we prepare for the end of the school year.
Students are testing and completing final projects...but we each took time to prepare a Toad in the Hole...a skill to last for a lifetime...


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I've never heard of that one! I'll have to give it a try!

When is your last day of school??

Lindah said...

Lifetime skills...toad in the hole. ha A nice way to end the year. That was a special treat for my kids. I have no idea where I learned it. hmmm...I'm going to visit grandchildren in a few weeks...maybe we need to make toad in the hole.

M said...

Cool! We used to cook those on the last day of day camp...on "Buddy Burners" that we made from tin cans. I made them for my own kids for breakfast quite often...but never called them Toad in the Hole...Cute! And your kids will always remember the coach showing off coking skills!

M said...

Make that "cooking" skills!

Lori in South Dakota said...

eggs, I think they are the first thing you learn to cook. And grilled cheese sandwiches!

Kat S. said...

It is so important for young people (male and female alike) to learn life skills like this. Sounds very good and so simple! After all these years, I still remember some things like that I learned in school from very patient teachers! I'm grateful to them.

Carol said...

Hee. I wonder who thought up that name. Enjoy your upcoming summer break!!

MSM said...

I can't believe I've never heard of this; eggs and toast are a favorite meal of mine - I can't wait to try this!!

Tolentreasures said...

We have always made those and cut the center of the bread out with a glass and then toast the cut out piece for dipping the yolk. We call them Bird's Nests.

Rock River Stitches said...

I'm making this for hubby and me tomorrow morning! Never heard of it. Sounds yummy!


Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...