Saturday, June 20, 2009

Home Again...Home Again...Jiggidy Jog

It always feels good to be home again. I appreciate the sound of my family's voices; the ease of working in my own kitchen; the familiar routine of our evening walk; the comfort of my own bed; the taste of my home-brewed coffee; the wireless connection to the on-line community; the order of my home town newspaper; the convenience in my own bathroom; and the sweet presence of my kitty cats.
This is a busy weekend. It is our local Summer Arts Festival. Hubby plays in a Jazz group that will perform at 11:30, 1:30 and 3:30. It is a beautiful morning after a week of powerful winds and torrential rains.
Do you remember our 'Toad in the Hole' making-Football Coach-Social Studies Teacher from Central High School? Today is his Wedding Day and we will celebrate with him and his lovely bride this evening.

This weekend also marks the first day of summer, the longest day of the year. Enjoy the warmth of the sun and sights and smells of nature. These peonies are some in my mom's flower bed.


dee begg said...


Doesn't it feel good to be home...Dorothy was right...There's No Place Like Home!

Happy summer to you. Enjoy your festival.


OldeAnniePrimitives said...

It's always fun going on a trip, but I TOO love coming home! Loved reading about your mom and her very young looking gentleman friend, as well as her and her sisters! I know what you mean about always wanting a sister. I have six older brothers! Sure would have been nice having someone on MY side occasionally! LOL! Have a great weekend! ~~Annie

Brenda said...

Well, I am glad you are home too. And Happy Birthday to mom's friend. I would not have given him 90, but I wouldn't have know your mom's age either!! I am glad that they are both running around like kids with all the freedom they want!! I hope to be as agile when I am older. And have people guessing my age wrong too!!
have a great weekend and enjoy the first day of summer. It has been a nice day today, I hope that is sign of great weather - what we need when we need it - to come!! And I wish the same for your area too. Enjoy the fesival!

Suzanne said...

I'm with you -- I love being home too. Your mother's peonies are beautiful!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is so funny, I came home tonight singing the "home again, home again" song too....I agree with you on all points.
The jazz festival sounds fun as does a wonderful wedding.
Take care,

pam said...

I agree, there is no place like home!

Unknown said...

Glad you're home again and back into a familiar routine. I'm like that, too. Fun going away for a trip, but it's so good being back home with everything familiar. I am a creature of habit!

Have a blessed Father's Day. Sounds like your weekend has been busy. Ours, too. We had a family wedding yesterday and today we're off to my mother's. Have a good one!


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Welcome home Natalie! There's no place like home! It's always nice to go away but even nicer to come home :0) I hope you enjoyed your weekend!!

Tolentreasures said...

Love to go and love to come home! Your girls are so pretty, great pic of them with their Dad! How lucky they are!


Carol said...

There is NOTHING like home. I always wonder why those who carry a heavy load by working long hours away from home during the week then fit in all the chores on the weekends want to take off for vacation instead of enjoying the peace home can bring. Especially when they work so hard for their home and don't get to simply enjoy it! I think the Staycation craze is great!!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...