Friday, June 19, 2009

When your boyfriend turns 90...

How do you celebrate? With flowers and a nice dinner, of course! My mom's gentleman friend, Ken, had his 90th birthday yesterday. They usually don't buy each other see, at this point in their life they are trying to get rid of stuff, not acquire more. But, a 90th birthday...this is special. So I took her out to pick out the perfect hanging basket. The shepherd's hook is from our family. He must like was on display by his front door early this morning.
For dinner we drove out to The Cove. It is out at the resort. We asked for a table by the window with a beautiful view of the lake. The food was delicious and the darling waitresses sang to him. They couldn't believe he is 90. But them, I'm sure they thought I was old!


Brenda said...

That is so sweet!!!

Tina❀ said...

OMGosh! How fabulous are they?! Mom did great with the flower and how sweet that staff is!

Unknown said...

Happy 90th birthday to Ken! I think that's great. It sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate.


dee begg said...


How sweet! Hope they enjoy many, many more years together.


pam said...

So sweet!~

RURAL said...

He certainly is a treasure!

Wish him a happy birthday from all of us.


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I loved this post! What a SWEET couple. I can only pray I look and feel that good at that age. :o)

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, that is the cutest couple!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...