Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meowy Birthday

Is this just not the cutest package from my hubby? ...and when I opened the flap, they actually meowed the birthday song. ...I just had to play it more than once!!

We had a lovely dinner out with friends. Do you think I can go to class tomorrow and tell the teacher that I don't have my homework done because I was having too much fun?

And these last two photos are for Shannon and Susie.

The measurements that I sent should be in order from left to right in these photos. Click on photo to enlarge.


Rock River Stitches said...

Happy Birthday! What a cute card! Could you tell me if that is a Hallmark card. I would love to get that card for my mom for her birthday next month. She has 4 kitties.


Unknown said...

Happy, happy birthday! The card is so cute. It looks like a nice evening out...glad you had fun!


Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy Birthday. glad you had fun. I would play the kitty song until it ran out of batteries...I love stuff like that!
Take care, Suz

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Natalie . Sorry I missed it . Looks like you had a beautiful birthday ! Hope you are doing well .
P.S. Could use some summer fun with recipe's .

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Your cat card is so cute, pur-fect for the cat lover :0) So glad you were able to enjoy your special day with your hubby and friends!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

I tell you...I'm am so freakin behind and out of touch with all this summer traveling! I wish you a Happy Belated Birthday dearest blogging buddy!

Carol said...

Happy birthday!!!!!!! Cute card. I would LOVE to hear them sing me happy birthday. I hope you enjoyed a wonderful day Natalie!!

pam said...

Happy Birthday! My husband always gets me kitty cat cards for my birthday, but none have sang to me!

StitchinByTheLake said...

When I was teaching that excuse would not have worked for me! Happy Birthday...and many more. blessings, marlene

Georgia said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Just stopping by to say thank you for your visit to my blog...Grandma G's!
I have enjoyed my visit, bookmarked you and plan to come back again!

Happy day!
Grandma G's

planettreasures said...

Happy Birthday, for last week!
that is the best card!

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