Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bird Watching


Farm Field Primitives said...

She seems to be thinking that the birds are lucky she is inside!! She is so pretty. I had a calico cat growing up with the same name. Guess it just follows them!! Have a good day!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Such a cutie pie!!! If only we could read their minds.....But I am sure it is pretty simple: Bird, Bird, Bird, Squirrel, Bird, Bird!
Love your cake recipe also, so pretty.

BittersweetPunkin said...

Well good things someone is keeping an eye on those birds, you never know what they're up to!

pam said...

I recognize that stare!

Carol said...

Pretty kitty! Her eyes said it all. LOL

Della said...

Your kitty is so intense. Bet she didn't even know she got her picture taken. She sure is beautiful. Also the cake brought back memories. Back in the day, my sister would make this every 4th of July. Our kids were little, mama was still alive, family gatherings, awww so special. Thanks for the memories.

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