Thursday, July 30, 2009

Things in my House Thursday

We cleaned some closets...Is anyone else thinking TShirt Yarn?


MSM said...

Wow, I thought my son-in-law had a lot of t-shirts.....

What is tshirt yarn and what do you do with it?

Lori P said...

Wow! There's got to be something creative you can do with those tee's. How about a pillow with tied t-strips? Blanket? Rug? Hmm...

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's a lot! I never heard of T-shirt yarn either ... elaborate. My mom and I have made some really neat T-shirt quilts of shirts that were memorable to my dad and sisters in some way. Then a lady machine-quilted them and they're really nice!

Stela said...

haha! wowzas!

I can't wait to see your exchange student experience! That's so cool!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my lordy! that is a lot of tshirts. I suppose we should do the same and would possibly come up with a large amount of donations too. :)

pam said...

Were we separated at birth??

Because having that many t-shirts that you no longer need or want, looks totally normal to me.

Tolentreasures said...

Wow, that is one huge load of t-shirts! Take a break from all the cleaning and get cutting! You do have a rotary cutter, don't you? Watch out though, you will have to vacuum again. Sometimes I cut mine and then take them outside for the scissor cutting and stretching part. Easier clean-up!


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