Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What Happened to June?

The month went by so fast...we had several highlights... and made many good memories...
Jake's Visit
We enjoyed Jake's company right after finals. The weather was pleasant for outdoor grilling, Wylie Park, and the golf course.

I loved that both Amy and Emily were here for the Dance Recital and Reception. Then we had the family together for dinner on the eve of Emily's move to her apartment and for summer school.

Mom's Place
I spent several days staying at my mom's and helping her around her little apartment.

The Summer Arts Festival
A June highlight is the annual Arts in the Park. Here, hubby is playing drums with a Jazz Group under the Entertainment Tent. The gentleman at the keyboard...that's Ron, in addition to being a talented musician, he is my favorite houseparent at Central.

The food alley is perhaps the most popular. Emily and I enjoyed our annual Indian Taco. Remember last year we shared one? Was way too messy, so this year we each ordered our own.

And when did this happen? I thought that I was the young mom with little girls waiting with their dollar to buy a water balloon Yo, it is just another sweet 'Remember when we always got those...' memory.

A June Wedding
We celebrated the union of Kent and Jenna at a beautiful outdoor wedding ceremony, reception and dance. They both teach with me at Central. The cake was adorned with pretty.

Celebrating My Birthday
I want you to see the lovely gifts that I received from friends and family. Paula, who recently traveled to Europe with her students, brought this herb dispenser from Southern France. From the LaFaves, this sweet Bread Dipping plate.
From Amy, a package in the mail, containing this awesome salad set. (more on this later)
I think they all know how much I love to cook.

From Emily, a little Victoria Secret pouch, it matches my make-up bag and a gift certificate for a pedicure. She knows I wouldn't spend $$ to pamper myself in that way!
The Meowy Birthday package from hubby contained a memory card for my Blackberry Phone.

From sister in law, more kitchen goodies.

From Mom in law, a new teacher tote bag, with laptop sleeve and the best part...wheels!

Celebrating 60 years of Marriage
We just returned from the Black Hills where family gathered to celebrate a wedding anniversary. All the children and grandchildren are musical. Here they sang for the program, "Bless this House".
Later that evening, more family singing and the young-at-heart couple took the dance floor.

And one cannot go to the Black Hills without experiencing the beauty of Spearfish Canyon.
Sometime, during all of this I took 2 classes and earned 4 graduate credits.
June was full of family, friends and fun activities...a great start to summer.


Carol said...

You did have a wonderful month of June. Hope you'll enjoy July too!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through a comment you left on Laura Trevey's site! Great site! I would love to add one another as followes here to network! I love finding creative, postive blogs! Have a wonderful day:)!

Unknown said...

Natalie, I really enjoyed seeing the pictures and reading the recap of your month. Wow, you have been one busy lady! But everything looked like so much fun. Happy summer to you!


Busy Bee Suz said...

June appears to be a busy and memorable month for you. Love the pictures...especially the one with the water balloons...where does the time go???

Suzanne said...

So many wonderful things happening!

Kat S. said...

What a busy and happy month you had! And happy birthday too! It is evident from reading the June summary that your time was filled with family, love and laughter. How wonderful for you to love so many and be loved by so many. I'll bet each and every month of your life is as happy as the previous month. It always makes me feel good when I read your blog. Thanks!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Your month was busy AND wonderful!

pam said...

Really, seriously, what happened to June??

Your family is beautiful. I love looking at all the things that you did!

Ramblin Mama said...

What a full month!! I always refer to this part of the year as our "busy season." Don't forget to sit back and relax a bit while school is closed.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Wow, you had a great month! I hope July is just as memorable for you and your family!!

Anonymous said...

I love comming in to see your pics and share in your fun & Joy . Happy belated birthday , I love all your gifts !
Have a safe 4th of July and hoping it is as full as June .

Tolentreasures said...

June really did fly by and I didn't even keep track of it! Lucky you to have the reminders in photos.


Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...