Sunday, January 3, 2010

Things were Fine in 2009

Remember "Life was Great in 2008"? That was a whole year ago, my last day of Holiday Break...and I stopped to reflect on the many things in my life that I am thankful for...
This year, many of those same things remain high on my list...
Good Health
Our home
Our family values
Our family interests
and our family goals.

Tomorrow, many of us report back to school and to work.

The hectic schedule will be upon us once again.

I invite you to join me...

Pause, and take time to reflect on all that is wonderful in your life...


Suzanne said...

You said it all!

Kathy said...

Great post. As a Special Ed secretary, I still work while teachers and kids are on break, but let me tell you, it is much more quiet when teachers and kids aren't there. Tomorrow it will be back to the norm....busy, loud and fun!

Have a good one!

marie said...

Nice post! Things WERE fine in 2009~ thnkas for the reminder.
I hope you had a relaxing & refreshing time off.

Busy Bee Suz said...

A beautiful post Natalie. Yes...lets reflect...and then we have to get back. right? SNAP.
Love seeing the girls...they are so cute and sweet.
Happy new year to you and your family.

Joan's Good Life said...

That was wonderful. I've been saying what a blessed life I live all year long. But taking the time to really look back on what has happened this past year... well, I am so greatly blessed and I give my thanks to Him.

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