Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dreaming of Summer

It is still bitterly cold in the Dakotas...
This morning it was 22 below, to be exact.
Not quite a record low,
but it was clear, cold, crisp, and crystallized...
When checking my early morning e-mails,
I found these lovely pictures from Line's mom in Norway.
These are pictures from Mandal, Line's home.
Do you think she would take me home with her?
It looks beautiful here.
Mari-Ann says, "Now we can dream about the summer."
Yes, Mari-Ann,
We, too, are dreaming of summer!


Unknown said...

We are all dreaming of summer!

Suzanne said...

Pack me in your suitcase, please! Oh my goodness, those photos were incredible. It looks like a picture postcard kind of place. Just beautiful!

Unknown said...

Such beautiful pictures! I want to go to Norway so much...someday, I hope!


jodi said...

What a lucky girl to live in a place like that.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I don't know that I have seen such a beautiful place as in those photos!!!
I hope you have nice warm dreams tonight!!!

Kathy said...

What a beautiful place!

Oklahoma Granny said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos!

Lori said...

The photos were wonderful. Line probably thinks we are truly "out in the boonies!"

BittersweetPunkin said...

Lovely photos!! It has been unseasonably warm here..everything is blooming and we've had no snow at all this Winter.

Hope it warms up for you:)

Cathryn said...

Those are lovely photos! I want to visit! *sighs* I'm dreaming of spring...I want warm

Cathryn said...

I wanted to tell you that I've passed on the Sunshine Award to you! Please visit my blog for details! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Love the phot's . Makes you think Spring . I wanted to check in with you to see if you recieved the lotion giveaway . If not I am contacting the company . Please email me . Hugs

Chatty Crone said...

Gorgeous pictures - Norway is now on my list of places I want to go.

Those phots awesome - I got a new camera and I am just working on simple faces right now!

Enjoyed your blog and thanks for coming to mine.

Esme said...

This looks like the perfect place to spend a weekend.

Betty said...

These are wonderful photos! How I wish I could hop on a plane and head to Norway!

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